Zig Zag Sock Knitting and Learning - 5 June 2024

in burnsteem25 •  9 months ago 

Here’s how far I’ve got with my sock knitting :


That's over 25 rows of the leg already. I’m following a tip I saw on You Tube to put a marker every ten rows, so I'm putting safety pins. This method will help you keep track of the row count to make it easier to count. Making the
second sock should not be so daunting when trying to knit a 'twin' sock.

I’m very surprised how clearly marked the yarn design is. I honestly thought that the pattern was going to appear less 'stripey' and more Zig Zag in shape. In fact, you may recall that I even referred to this yarn as variegated and not self-striping. You live and learn I suppose.

I've been trying to finetune my sock making so I've watched a number of snippets on You Tube on how to make the different sock sections. There are a couple of channels that I trust and often return to learn and improve techniques:

Firstly, this sock making channel is so inspiring and the name says it all. The Crazy Sock Lady shows you what she's been making and what she plans to make and usually for whom.

The socks she knits are all so colourful and she's such a fast knitter. This really encourages you to get on and do some knitting while watching. In her channel she also shows you what yarns she's been buying, sock kits, she discusses books she's read and what she's sometimes knitted while going on her tread mill or exercise bike which is quite funny to imagine really.

Her tutorials are also very clear. I've followed her tutorials and downloaded her free instructions for a Vanilla sock (the simplest variety) which was very clear and easy for beginners. She also sells her own patterns on Ravelry.

Apart from showing how to use different types of needles she gives many tips like keeping track of the row count by placing markers every ten rows :

I've also watched a You Tube channel called EarthTonesGirl. This generous Youtuber offers a whole playlist with her sock making lessons from scratch.

I started visiting this channel and subscribed because other youtubers I've watched have referred to it. I have enjoyed watching a different way of making the heel which is called 'after thought heel'. The idea is that you knit a tube which is fairly simple as it's just 'knit, knit, knit' going in the round all the time. Then you can add a shape that's just like a toe section so that makes sock knitting much faster. I'm keen to try this method but as I've got a high instep I need to make some adjustments to this method to avoid tightness.

You can watch a bit down here :

There are many more people on You Tube that talk about their sock knitting and give tips. That's all very helpful. After knitting this pair of socks I'm hoping to try socks with a different stitch like lace.

Thank you for reading !

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You're so lucky to have the time to learn such thing as knitting. I have an interest with it way back before, but I leaned towards other things as they required my attention more than my desire for knitting.

I am someone who wants to learn a lot of things but can't give myself a free time to do so. Just like right now, I'm trying to spread some engagement as many as I could with the short amount of time I have because there a lot more to do when you know you've got important cheds coming in days.

Anyway, maybe if my lifestyle has changed in the future (I hope in just a year) I would try to accomplish things I wish I had just like knitting.

P.S. It's nice that you are integrating a video to elaborate your content.

Thank you for your comment @imawreader.

I think it's really good to have a hobby and I don't think it matters if you cannot stick to just one activity as long as you get enjoyment within the time limitations you may have.

I have learnt so much watching videos online: it's really inspirational to see what other people have made !