Steemit Learning Challenge-S21W2; Knee Osteoarthritis"

in burnsteem25 •  3 months ago 


What's knee OA? Write in your own words after getting knowledge from the lesson post

If I want to talk about me osteo arthritis then first of all I need to highlight that what are joints basically and what is flexibility in joints and what is lubrication and cushioning in between joints.

A joint is basically articulation of two bones with each other with a pad like structure which is called bursa containing synovial fluid that provides lubrication and this synoval fluid in bursa becomes reduced as age of a person progresses so when this fluid becomes reduced then lubrication in joints also reduce and wear and tear starts to occur.

When wear and tear process start as a result of degeneration in joints with progression of AIDS then joint become swell.So osteo is bone,arthe word is joint and itis is inflammation. So when joint becomes painful and inflamed as a result of degeneration of cartilage then this condition is called that now the person have osteo arthritis and if this condition occurs specifically in nee join then we call it as knee osteoarthritis

There are four major grades of knee OA;

• Grade 1 = When degeneration process has just started and there is very little narrowing of space in joint.

• Grade 2 = When degeneration process has started properly and there is visible narrow of space enjoying.

• Grade 3 = When degeneration process has occurred to that extent that bony spurs are visible and there is very little space remaining in between joint.

• Grade 4 = When join looks as this is a bone, it means there is complete degeneration and now both bones are fused and there is no space in joint.

How would you diagnose a knee OA? Any clinical investigation or assessment tests?

There can be two ways to diagnose to diagnose knee osteoarthritis I am going to explain both of ways below;

• Visual inspection:

• If we want to diagnose knee osteoarthritis then first of all we have to assess it by visual inspection and by palpitation.

• We will check that is there any cracking sound appears when we command person to move his leg. If there is any cracking sound then we can count it that it can be knee osteo arthritis but we cannot confirm it.

• After that we will check that is there any malalignment or abnormality visible at area of knee joint.

• Then we will check is there erthyma at area of knee.

• Investigations:

• We will check in X-ray that how much space is reduced in between joint and accordingly we will grade it as grade 1 ,2,3 or 4.


• It should be clear that we will diagnose knee osteoarthritis on the basis of investigation test which is x-ray not on the basis of clinical symptoms that we will assess.

Try to practice at least 4 exercises that you have learned from the lesson. Share images, gifs or videos while practising.


• Knee isometric.


• Adductors strengthening exercise.


• Heel sliding.

Share your review after performing these exercises either on healthy individual or patient.

• I performed Heel slide after that I don't felt anything personally but I know that it is good for improving my overall circulation.

• When I performed knee isometrics then I was feeling that there is improvement after repetition of this exercise is time so it means that my muscles are strengthening each time.

• When I performed adductors strengthening by keeping a towel in between my flex legs then I was feeling it difficult first with 15 second hold and then I felt that after 3 repetitions my tolerance to do this exercise is getting better so it means this is really effective.

I want to invite @wilmer1988,@stef1,@adeljose to participate

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Thank you for understanding the lesson and sharing your assignment; I hope that you will enjoy this week's lesson and try to implement it in your life if you see any such case.


Task 1 (2.8/3)
You have shared a good knowledge about knee osteoarthritis, and it's stages and causes. But you have to add the types, symptoms too of knee OA to better explain this to other users. I bit more depth require to complete the answer. I appreciate your effort.

Task 2 (2.5/3)
In the second question, you tell us about how you assess the patient of knee OA by doing the visual inspection, history taking, investigations of patients. But it would be better if you add 1 or 2 special tests to confirm the diagnosis. Good.

Task 3 (2.8/4)
You try the heel slides, Knee Isometric ( Knee flexion ) and adductors strengthening exercises. First you performed 3 exercises and I asked to perform at least 4 exercises. But while performing these exercises try to keep your camera on a wide angle that we can clearly see the exercises. Remember always apply heating pad to relax your muscles before performing these exercises. I appreciate your efforts.

Overall you made a good attempt to answer all the questions. I appreciate your efforts. But next time try to avoid the above written suggestions. Keep learning and try to implement your knowledge to the people suffering from any knee Osteoarthritis. Thank you.

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