SLC S21W6||Basic men trouser front,back pattern

in burnsteem25 •  3 months ago 


Front pattren of men's trouser

For creating front pattern of men trouser there are following measurements that are required;

• Outer length
• Waist and Hip contour
• Hip height


Step 1: Create a rectangle

• For creating a rectangle I need to use 1/4th part of hip contour and need to add 4cm almost for giving width to my rectangle.
• I used outer length as total length of my rectangle that I am drawing.
• I labelled top left corner of rectangle as A and top right corner of rectangle as B.

• Similarly I labelled bottom right corner of rectangle as C and bottom left corner of rectangle as D.

Step 2: Marking of key points

• I measured height of hip definitely vertically from point a to point B and mark it in between B and C.
• I take 1/4th of measurements of hip and add 4 cm from point A to point D.
• I then divided the measurement from line number 2 with 0.15 so by dividing 22 with 0.15 I got around 3.5 cm. I extended line two outside rectangle with same measurement that I got by dividing.


• From A to D,I dropped down around 2cm.
• I took measurements of 1/4th of waist contour from point A to point B.


• By taking 1/2 of outer length and 1/2 of rectangle length wise I mark fold line.
• I introduced the measurement from point 3 starting from C to D which was around 3?5 cm in actual.
• My last marking was to measure same measurement from D to C which I named as point number 7.

Step 3: Drawing of pattern

• First I am creating dart,by joining 1 with 3 with a curve.
• I joined point 4 with 5 with straight line.


• 5 was joined with line number one with a curve which is side seam.
• Point 7 was joined with line 2 with straight line and similarly.3 was joined with point 8 which was inseam.


Here's final look of basic men trouser front pattern.....

Back pattren of men's trouser
Drawing of back pattern for men's trouser

• I need to create a rectangle with similar measurements that I have taken for my front piece in which with was fourth part of hip contour in which 4 cm was added for giving width.


• After that length was measured and taken as outer length.
• Labelling of rectangle will be similar to front pattren.

Points marking

Following lines and points was marked in the following way:

• Line 1 was same as it is in front piece.
• Line 2 was same as it is in front piece.
• Line 6was same as it is in front piece.
• Point 7 was same as it is in front piece.

Now I am discussing some of the points that was marked by me in this pattern newly;

• First I start multiplication of measurement 3.5 cm that I have obtained above in front pattern and it was multiplied with 3 which was around 10.5 after multiplying.


• I extended line to outside rectangle and along 10.5 cm extension I marked 3.5 cm extended line.Then I divided line by labeling that it's 3,3a and 3b.
• I introduced 2 cm from A to B and for this I move up 2 cm and from 4 to B I take 4th part of waste control and added two centimetre in it. Then I mark centre of this line.
• Hem was measured just like in drawing of front piece. I took measurements that how much it is from line 2 to line six, by taking measurements from 3b Point to line 6 I created a curve for arriving at dotted line in which point 3 seems to be extended in down direction.


• Now pattern is done with all markings so there is a need to join them now....

Joining points

• Point 1 was joined with 3b in curve shape and 1 was joined with 4 in straight line.
• 4 to 5 point is joined already with straight line above.


• Point 5 is joined with 1 in curve at side of rectangle and 2 is joined with 7 in straight line.
• 9 was joined with two points,first with point 8 in straight line and second in curve with 3b point.


• Now it has been completed successfully....

• Now I need to cut both of the patterns properly to reflect that how it looks after cutting.


• Finally these are front and back pattern pieces of men trouser that are here together in picture shown above....

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