Dividend has ben paid today, 1 day earlier than anticipated. Details of all transactions are below for scrutiny -
Details of the dividend payment are as follows -
Withdrawal from Hashflare to Bittrex - TX ID 7348db9af13a0731e3bcb7d202649e1b4d58cbe77e4d8f033482a0ef118d317e
ZEC traded to BTC @ rate of 0.04159999 - BTC total - 435484
BTC traded to BURST @ rate of 0.00000407 - BURST total - 1067.31
Withdrawal of BURST to Asset Main Wallet - Fee - 2BURST - TX ID 8939826195081445545
Dividend payout details -
NGAM01 (17190245125696855018) Total found assets: 10000, Assets to be distributed: 10000
Summary of proposed distribution of 1065.31BURST to 4
Based on asset holders at timestamp 109232462 (Thu, 11 May 2017 18:21:02 GMT)
Number of assets, Account, Payout amount
5500, BURST-S8ZT-DMST-785B-7HA86, 585.9205
3000, BURST-7P3S-ZDCP-HD29-BW3HM, 319.593
1000, BURST-T3PE-KBSP-V4E8-H7LMJ, 106.531
500, BURST-G6TF-RJ46-SRCU-9LEZR, 53.2655