Creating Elite Players: Newsletter Day 38

in business •  2 years ago  (edited)


I mentioned before that I have quickly moved from worst case scenario to best case scenario.

Even as I'm streamlining my finances, I'm finding this to be ever more true.

Moving my email lists from Mailchimp to ConvertKit (mainly for savings, but honestly ConvertKit is better) has shed light on some business opportunities I've been missing. I can see now that I should be able to develop multiple businesses in different markets simultaneously, thereby reducing dependence on any one of them.

Researching how to monetize audio content (especially podcast content) has led me to setting up physical merch for the first time.

All in all, I can see now that I was getting a little too comfortable in what I was doing, even in trying new avenues. I thought I was trying new avenues, but I was mostly inventing new ways to get stuck in the same insanity cul-de-sacs, just in different cul-de-sacs.

Of course, as I mentioned yesterday, I made a bit of an ultimatum to one of my clients as well. The essence of the message was, "pay me more or I can't work for you anymore." I don't know what the outcome will be, but if he does give me more work, I should at least have a stop gap. If not, my bread and butter could be gone, but finding work to replace it shouldn't be an 800 lbs. dead lift.

Being under pressure generally isn't enjoyable, let alone productive. Usually, it stifles creativity. This time, though, it seems to be spurring on my creativity.

I'm ready to launch into a new phase of creation.

Marketing Activity

  • Responded to six emails
  • Sent one email
  • Shared one Click to Tweet
  • Wrote and published this post


  • Cancelled my Mailchimp account and moved all my lists over to ConvertKit
  • Cancelled my Magnetic Marketing subscription

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