RE: Niche-Free: Why You Don't Need To Find A Strict Niche Right Away — Pretty Decent

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Niche-Free: Why You Don't Need To Find A Strict Niche Right Away — Pretty Decent

in business •  7 years ago 

Hey Lexi!

This is kind of breaking my brain a bit, I always thought niche was the way to go? I thought that people interested in that niche would then find you... I guess broadening your scope also broadens the people interested in your content... but doesn't it also kind of upset people when you create content that isn't aligned with their interests?

Also, as a total aside, your blog posts are amazing. Please let me know when you create something totally exclusive to Steemit with this same level of quality and I'll nominate you for the curie award.


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Hi @aussieninja! Sorry for my late reply. To answer your question: I deeply believe in target customers, particularly the idea and practice that we should nail our messaging down to the one person we're talking to. In my case, it's usually myself -- but it's also this imaginary girl that thinks like me and needs my advice.

I'm very editorially-minded, and my style definitely wouldn't work for everyone. But for me, limiting myself creatively is and never has been the answer. Gotta let the chips fall as they may!

I will be sure to let you know when I publish something I think is good. Gotta find time in between all of this work :'(