3 Books that every man should read

in business •  6 years ago  (edited)

3 Books that every man should read


Hello friends, in my last post ''Activities of a Successful Man" https://steemit.com/spanish/@cisconoticias/actividades-de-un-hombre-successful I spoke a little about the activities that a man should incorporate into Your daily routine if you want to be successful One of the activities that I referred to there was reading and the cultural benefits of books, which can give a positive 180º turn to our personal habits and behaviors.

Yes it is true that reading is important, it is also true that we must take advantage of this habit to read interesting things, that nurture our brain and leave beneficial learning for us, that is why I bring you here 3 book recommendations that no doubt they are going to change your way of seeing things, stimulating your financial greed, which has seemed to me to be not bad to have it, on the contrary it impels us to be better people. without further ado, I recommend you here:

  • Rich father poor father

Author: Robert T. Kiyosaki

I do not mention this book first by chance, no, it turns out that the world of bail is very complex and the characteristic that Father Rich Poor Dad has is that with simple concepts and anecdotes he shows you the ways to the financial world in a way that when you start other advanced books already have a basic knowledge on the subject.

  • Small Capitalist Pig

Author: Sofia Macias

Entrepreneurship and finance are always described as pink, just like the '' American Dream '' but few are the authors who speak of the gray color of finance and its consequences. That is why I dare to mention on my list the book by the author Sofia Macias '' Little Capitalist Pig '' because it teaches you how to manage your assets financially to keep them away from bankruptcy, it explains how to take care of your resources, when You must spend and at what time you must invest, without doubt this would be the ideal book that I would give to the president of an oil-rich country and rich in mineral resources such as Venezuela for example.

  • The Art of War

Author:Tao Hanzhang

I already recommended a book to instill in the finances and also one on how to manage them but I had not recommended one for you to learn to defend yourself from the wolves, that's why I bring you here "The Art of War" this centennial book is without a doubt some the ideal for you to learn the vilest stratagems of war and how to apply them to your benefit to protect your assets, remember that in this world, malice is fundamental to take care of the competition, with this book you will go from being a puppy to become leader of the pack.

''The man who does not read has no advantage over the one who can not read "

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Rich Dad / Poor Dad is a good book that explains the importance of personal value and shifts in perspective like cash flow.

Thanks for the list.

Excellent, I'll take it into account, thanks for reading my post and I like that you liked it, regards.

RICH DAD POOR DAD is the best!!!

My favorite book of all times! Definitely had a huge effect on the path of my life!

The art of war is also very good and very informative, especially if you love strategy!

Keep on steeming... @sacryptocollect

Yes, these books change our way of thinking, I like that you liked it, regards.

Cool, thank you!