The "Work Hard" Success Model is Becoming Outdated [Quantum Economics]

in business •  7 years ago 

Making money (or “profit”) has been our main driver and reason we go to work every day, or start our own business.

It’s also the reason why we study and get more and more certificates or diplomas - because we think it will result in earning more money.

This is the paradigm we’ve lived by all our lives: Work hard and you'll make a lot of money.

This paradigm was based on Newtonian consciousness: we make a movement in the world through our efforts, and the efforts produce material gains.

But now that our consciousness is evolving, business and our drivers are evolving, too, of course.

I watched this clip yesterday, and this post is basically my interpretation of what the speaker says (I highly recommend watching it, though, especially if you're into Human Design.)

What if things have changed and effort isn't anymore what will drive our business forward and produce “success” and money?

We all know people - entrepreneurs or employees - who work hard every day and still don’t seem to become “successful” or make the money they hope for. Maybe we have been in the same situation. Physical, mental or emotional effort often doesn’t seem to create material gains anymore, or it’s becoming increasingly difficult.

“Work hard and you’ll be successful” as the Newtonian paradigm is becoming old and outdated.

In the new economy, the driver for success is “wellbeing", rather than just “profit”.

That means wellbeing for all - ourselves, our clients, our colleagues, our communities - instead of just profit for ourselves.

Of course our business will only be successful if it creates sustainable wellbeing for ourselves, too, but the best way to get there is to focus on the wellbeing of our clients and customers.

So instead of “how will I profit” we should ask ourselves “how can I serve”. And of course “How can I be sustainable in the services that I give.”

Anything inauthentic will no longer survive

Any business that is not rooted in truth and integrity will not be sustainable anymore.

In fact, we may observe many businesses fail or collapse in the near future for this very reason (banks…?) Because of course making a profit has been the main objective for the big businesses out there, too.

At the same time, we should consciously support those business who are based in truth and actively contribute to the wellbeing of all. This is another way for us to contribute.

We are moving from Newtonian Consciousness to Quantum Consciousness, which says that,

Our observation of matter (or components/particles) changes how these particles behave.

In other words, our observation of the world around us, changes our experience of the world.

So the more we support good businesses, and the more we run our own from a place of service and integrity, the more we shape and improve our world for the wellbeing of all.

This is all very theoretical

...but I do believe intention counts.

Everything starts with an intention. Even if we don't know yet exactly how to do this practically, and it's hard to let go of the "I have to work hard" notion, we can begin by setting an intention for ourselves, and by actively seeking out good businesses to support.

The Blockchain makes it practical

In addition I believe blockchain technology facilitates new, good businesses.

The Blockchain allows us to bring inclusion to people in even the most remote places of the world. It also removes (or at least decreases) the hierarchies and brings more and more equality to our world. Both are improving the wellbeing for people and communities who have been excluded so far.

Platforms like Steemit and organisations like The Sunexchange or the Pineapple Fund are good examples of that.

Do you know of any good companies who already demonstrate the new paradigm?

Share them in the comments, please!

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Love this. A counter-point, for the sake of conversation:
I've been falling into a trap lately of thinking (fervently hoping) that alignment and intentions are enough to bring about a result. They aren't.

Thinking about particles, it isn't really observation that changes things, it's measurement. When scientists took action to measure a particle's path in progress, they changed the result. When they took no action, and simply observed the result afterwards, they found the particle to have been in two places at once. My point: change occurs through action, not through observation alone.

So I want to differentiate alignment of thought from alignment of actions. I need to focus on the latter right now, and that is what I might still call "hard work."

Thank you, @wholeself-in!

I agree with you, intentions are not enough.
The universe doesn't deliver to our couch. We have to get off our butt and meet it half way. As the saying goes, "Part of the word attraction is action." ;)

I do believe it truly is half way, though, and we don't have to do all the hard work ourselves.
Half of the "work" is us doing stuff. Also called "embodiment" (following through on our intentions in the physical world).
The other half is being manifested through our intentions. ("Co-Creation")

Or not. ;)

If our intentions are good - according to the new definition of being based in truth and integrity and for the wellbeing of all - our actions will come to fruition in a way that's beneficial for us.

If they are not good - aka based on greed or profit just for the sake of self - then they might not come to fruition anymore. They used to, but not anymore. I think that is the lesson and the shift now.

If you haven't read the book "Sacred Economics" you should. You probably have though already. You can read it online for free.

It talks about these very concepts and I personally feel the shift myself. It's almost like I'm "done" working just to make money. I'm personally starting to see the more I give, the more it's coming back to me in various ways. Unexpected ways

And it's incredibly exciting. I notice that if my genuine intention shifts even just a bit, it stops the "flow" of this gifting/giving energy. I can actually feel it. It's easy to jump right back into it though once you can recognize it.

I know of a few places, but if I list them, I'll eventually be identified (not quite ready for that yet). One of the places, I work for currently. The energy of giving to benefit everyone truly in a much better way is dynamic. When that is genuinely paired with the right solution (and you can prove it hands down over and over again) AND you start giving parts of it away (our profits won't come from the people), because you know and you feel it, you can't stop what's coming.

You're absolutely right -- anything inauthentic won't survive.

Thanks for the book suggestion @miklkent.
I've noticed the shift in trend as well @connecteconomy. Thank you for throwing light on the situation.

Thanks for the book suggestion @miklkent! I haven't read it yet, but like you I've felt it for a long time.

Scanned this and will re-read but you are spot on and I can tell you wrote this from a place of already being woke to this — blockchain really enables audience engagement for me in the social sense because everyone on chain wins, everyone has the same opportunity, no gurus, no experts - just humans, finding ways to explore the world through a lens of words, action and intention.

Yesss! :)

nice article @connecteconomy.... i vote it... :)

I vote it AND I read it too!

XD Thanks for reading :D