Towards Building a Better World: Support Your FRIENDS, not WalMart!

in business •  6 years ago 

People often talk about things like "how are we going to build a better world," and what steps we can take towards making our planet a better place for everyone.

Perhaps this is discussed more here in Steemlandia than other places because there are certain idealistic underpinnings in our community... I'm not sure. I know the original White Paper had a very idealistic tone.

The Butterfly of Opportunity?

Get it From a Friend!

Anyway, I found myself needing to replenish my "birthday card bin" the other day, and decided I was going to support a friend who has been trying to get her online greeting card business going to help support her life.

Just seems like the right thing to do.

In part, the choice was the result of being at the grocery store and realizing that many Hallmark (and other "brand" cards) now cost $4-5 each! Which just strikes me as excessively expensive.

My friend's cards — which are quite artistic and feature digitally manipulated photography — are actually less, at $3-4 each.

Seems like a no-brainer to me... except for...

Floating away....

Convenience... or NOT?

It occurred to me that we buy cards — and lots of other things — as a matter of convenience, typically because we haven't planned ahead. We'll buy a birthday card because we need it today, even though we know that our cousin's birthday falls on the same day, every year...

We pay needless premiums for the convenience of immediacy, but it that really necessary? And in our increasingly digital world, isn't online ordering actually getting to be more convenient than piling into the car and going to a store?

Yes, it takes a certain amount of planning, foresight and mindfulness to make certain choices... but I also believe that mindfulness is one of the key ingredients in creating a better world for all of us... independent of the oligarchs who now control so much of the consumer market.

Do you buy from WalMart or Amazon... or from an independent producer, artist or creative? The choice is yours!

Thanks for reading!

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Power House Creatives _night mode.png

(As always, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Created at 190615 16:58 PST


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I try and do so as much as I can, but my monies are small, so I can't always manage it. But in the same vein, I can't often order from Amazon, either, lol. I've boycotted Walmart for years.

I know what you mean... money is tight. We're your basic food-stampy type household, but we've still become a good bit more conscious that how we spend out limited funds IS — in a sense — a form of "speech" or "opinion" that casts a vote for what we believe (and don't believe!) in.

Yep, exactly. That's what I do, too.