Busy Making Masks

in business •  5 years ago 

A good idea that adds value to the lives of others is going to find many people to support and go along with it. Rather than forcing businesses to quickly get started on making masks and other needed items at this time that are sold out in the market, people are doing it willingly.

Many people have jumped to the cause, with one individual alone being able to donate hundreds or even thousands of face masks in recent weeks. More individuals are doing their part during this crisis to help in the smallest way that they can.

Homemade masks are rec by the CDC to allegedly be used as a last resort, and many have started getting busy with making them.

Facebook groups have been started that are looking to recruit people to quickly sew needed masks for hospitals and health centers around the world right now.

Across Twitter, Facebook, and other platforms, healthcare workers are posting the 'GetMePPE' tag, Personal Protective Equiptment (PPE) that lets those who have supplies know where they can send them. There are many resources online, videos and articles etc, educating people on how to sew masks.

If you can sew then chances are you can likely sew a face mask quite easily.

It is great to see so many people doing their part, doing what they can to help. Even if it is just sewing some face masks at home, it helps greatly to those who need it.

From those who are working in hospitals right now, to those who are taking our garbage, or making sure our internet or cable stays working, driving the city bus to still get people to work or where they need to go, those who are delivering our groceries and mail etc, they are taking a risk to get us our goods and services. I applaud them all, not just during a pandemic, but for getting us the goods and keeping the system going all year long. It is just now when we face such a crisis that we can take a moment to stop, embrace some mindfulness, and realize how lucky we are with so much that we have. It's very easy to take it all for granted and to take people who elevate our lives for granted as well.

The sewing community is proving themselves to be a generous one with how quickly they've mobilized to help.

Even the Hollywood costume design industry is busy helping too. Various groups are leading the move to create protective masks for health care facilities around the United States. Various fashion designers have also stepped up to help the cause of addressing the face mask shortage right now.

Mask-making projects are going viral right now. Companies that don't normally make face masks are happy to transition and help produce these products for those in need. Whether it be face masks or hand sanitizer, it's amazing how many have been quick to stand up and help others.

To help, one fabric company known as Authorized Vac and Sew, working along with others, has made the move in offering free sewing kits to make masks for healthcare workers to use. The kids will be able to produce roughly 12 masks.

From businesses transitioning from making things like couches, to now making surgical masks, we see individuals in business and elsewhere are doing what they can voluntarily to help.

In Australia, it's reported that more than 100 Australian companies have signaled that they are ready to help. Hopefully there will be so much help coming through voluntarily that the government won't need to get tyrannical and force individuals or businesses to help in a way that they see to be suitable.


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This crisis will produce new ideas and new business men as we transform our infrastructure in the US from an import economy to an producing / manufacturing base. We are good in agriculture/ meat dairy production, but we shipped our manufacturing overseas for decades..MAGA

Posted via Steemleo

My wife has been making them for the last week; a regional hospital near us requested them for the secondary staff (orderlies, cafeteria workers, janitors, etc) citing that even though home made masks offer only 50-70% protection, 50-70% is better than "no percent."

But a real seweing manufacturer should be able to make a bajillion more masks, in a fraction of the time, for a fraction of the cost than doing it at home.

Isnt that what we pay a bunch of these taxes for?

Public health?

they are making millions too https://www.massdevice.com/honeywell-3m-ramp-up-n95-face-masks-production/ usually make more than 1 billion every year, I suspect that the smaller orgs and individuals tho can quickly make them in a day or two and get them to their hospital or clinic down the street, whereas the bigger ones might take longer to ship out and might not ship to everyone so those smaller clinics etc could still be missed 👍and some shipping services are delayed right now as well

If we all survive through this outbreak, their problem will be too much supplies. I told my wife a few times, even when the virus is not killed off, the supply will stabilized within few months.