Strategic to make money with bitcoin investing ( 100.000$ in month)

in business •  7 years ago  (edited)


On this page I will present a simple strategic guide to learn how to make money without investing anything with bitcoin.

There are a lot of methods to win bitcoin and I do not pretend to say that the method presented here is the most effective. However it is the most interesting for those who do not wish to take any financial risk and who do not have advanced computer skills.

I will present each step of the strategic plan to win bitcoin, so you follow it in order to obtain interesting results.

It is possible that this guide is updated with the addition of new steps also check as often as possible the latter to have the latest information to win more and more bitcoin. With this guide you will be able to earn money without investing anything from your pocket.

Step 0: Create your bitcoin wallet
First of all in order to earn your first bitcoin you will need a wallet that will show you the bitcoin balance you own. In addition you can make your bitcoin transfers (sending and receiving).

I invite you to read this article to learn how to create your first bitcoin wallet that is also called "wallet".

Step 1: Build up a starting bitcoin capital thanks to the faucet
Once you have created your wallet and you have your first bitcoin address you can earn through the faucet.

Falcons are the easiest and safest way to earn your first bitcoin, in other words you have absolutely nothing to invest beyond your time.

Read this article to discover the faucets.

In addition you can also earn bitcoin with your Android smartphone or iPhone by downloading free applications. So if you are traveling and not in front of your pc you can make money and not waste your time doing nothing if you are in a queue for example.

Once you have reached a capital between 10 and 20 euros you can move on to the next step.

You will understand that the faucet will allow you to earn money without investing anything and thus constitute a starting capital that you will be able to use in the next step.

Step 2: Buy mining contracts to earn money in automatic
Now that you have a bitcoin capital of between 10 and 20 euros you will be able to buy your first mining contract.

You will need to consult this article to understand the usefulness of cloud mining. You can also look directly at the list of what I consider to be the best sites for mining bitcoin or other crypto-currencies.

To make a simple mining contract will allow you to obtain computing power (expressed in hash / s) that will allow you to mine bitcoin every day without having anything to do. At this point you will not have much to do other than check your mining record every day to see how much money you have made.

The goal will be to make you profitable after several months so you will have to be patient and therefore think carefully when you buy a mining contract.

In addition to your mining contracts nothing prevents you from continuing to use the faucets to continue to grow your bitcoin capital in addition to the gains you will have achieved through mining in the cloud.

After these first two steps you will have the opportunity to go even further by mining with your own material, so I invite you to take the next step.

Step 3: Miner with your own hardware
This step will require a starting investment because you will have to buy equipment in order to get into cryptocurrency mining. If you are not yet ready to invest money then this step of the guide is to be avoided.

There are various computer equipment to mine cryptocurrency such as graphics cards or even USB keys.

However, you have the option to mine with your own computer thanks to some plug and play software provided by some sites. The site offering the most interesting offer on this subject is called minergate.

To find out what minergate is and how it will help you mine with your own computer I suggest you read this article.

With minergate you will be able to use your own computer to earn money without investing anything. It will also be possible to use your own smartphone or tablet to undermine cryptocurrency however I do not advise you because these devices bear much less intensive mining than a traditional pc.

To go even further in cryptographic mining

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Strategic to make money with bitcoin investing ( 100.000$ in month)