Hit 2nd Quarter Targets

in business •  7 years ago 


How can you have a record 2nd Quarter to the year? Cram 3 months of production into the next 45 days. Urgency is key.

Here are 3 ways to hit your 2nd Quarter Targets:

  1. Call anybody that got a written proposal earlier this year but hasn't converted. Call anybody you demoed earlier this year, but didn’t give a proposal. Call anybody that was a lead earlier this year that never got very far. The point is to go back to every single person you pitched over the 1st Quarter and look to push everything over the finish line. Revisit your warm leads!
  2. Go back to people you’re already doing business with and re-contract or upsell them. See how you can bring them more value than they are already getting.
  3. Repackage your offer to people that might grab them in a new way. What if you reduce or expand your offer to make it more appealing? This gives you more inventory and more potential to meet someone’s needs.

Have a great Quarter 2!


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money can be earned a number of ways, you just have to find one, just like crypto, it's a one time investment and a long term investment...

I witch your youtube and make work hard. I have set a goal of making 10,000sbd this month I keep looking at it avery day.

In Uganda it can bay me a 10 units of house.

Awesome Grant, loving your passion sharing your knowledge!