Appsumo - Best Deals for the Entrepreneur
If you've not heard of the site you should go check it out right now.
This site provides amazing Lifetime subscription Deal (LTD) on enterprise-level Software As A Service (SAAS) products.
Is in no small part that the site is save me thousands of dollars in subscriptions to SAAS products I would've bought. For example I run a circus school and we book classes. A while back they offered a SAAS product for managing gyms. The lifetime description cost me $59 to get, however it saving me at least that if not more each month. (The cost of a subscription to sites like mind-body - another gym membership software) runs about $20 ~ $89 a month.
The above is just one example. Every week they release one or two new lifetime deals products and services that the newer or small business owner should check out. A few weeks back they released an LTD on accounting software, This thing has saved me money and time already.
For those of you wondering if it's a scam. I can say no. I have bought over 25 products from the course of two years. And only one of these products have turned out to be junk. the majority of the products I buy I use on a regular basis as and save my company and myself lots of money.
Here's the link again. Yes it is my affiliate link with them. If you ended up buying something from them they will give me a $10 store credit.
Should you have any questions about this please let me know I'll happily answer what I know about AppSumo and the offers they provide.
To your success