Bad Habits that Hinders the Success of Entrepreneurs

in business •  7 years ago 

Entrepreneurship could be a very good way to earn a living. Being the boss, having no one to report to or even complain to. Most entrepreneurs like the fact that they don't have anyone up the ladder, and no one to request they should work overtime. But they forget the fact that as an entrepreneur, they are their own boss. For a business to be successful you have to be a better boss, than any boss you could ever have. This requires much work, and less caterwaul. Every entrepreneur ought to ask himself, am I bossing myself appropriately? It's not all about being a boss, it's to be the best boss possible.

Image Credit: Joel Sakyi

When an individual decides to be an entrepreneur, (s)he has to develop good business habits and neglect the bad ones. Today, I'll be writing on some bad business habits that shouldn't be found around you as an entrepreneur.

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When one fails to plan, it is often said he is planning to fail. This is more than an old banality. Feeling that as an entrepreneur you can do what ever you like when ever you like it, is one of the most dangerous habits. The habit gets stronger with time, and a time will come when you will not even give a damn about the work at all again. When you examine the lifestyles of the most successful entrepreneurs, you'll discover that most of them take their jobs as normal office employees. So they go to work most week days and maybe take the weekends of if possible. To be successful in any career, one has to take a good look at those ahead of him. So studying the lifestyles of successful entrepreneurs may be just the step you need to take.

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Bad association spoils useful habits. Those are the words from one of the oldest books ever written. These words are still very much factual. Just the way sponges could easily absorb whatever is around it, that's the way humans are. In other words, humans are like sponges. When a sponge is placed in an oily water, it becomes oily. When it is placed in a soapy water, it becomes soapy. So our environment matters a lot. The people an entrepreneur associates with, could influence him either for the good or bad. Associating with "like minds" that shares the same business principles and ideas, that influence you for the better, is better than associating with childhood friends that care only about spending the little savings you have. Associates should be able to compliment in areas where they are better than you.

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Just like a person who joins Steemit, expecting to make millions of dollars within the first few months of joining, so is an entrepreneur with unreal expectations. It is an illogical idea. I know motivation books usually encourage the readers to think big, but WTF don't think too big. It's better slow and steady. Most times, it takes up to a year for an entrepreneur to start getting good returns for his money. Like I said earlier you have to study those ahead of you in the game, since all good players will eventually be rewarded. Are they some skills they have, that you lack? There is always a big clean room for improvements. Try to pack into that room.

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Making wild promises. It is better to avoid promising than failing to keep to a promise. New business owners usually do this most times in an attempt to get customers from old businesses. Rather as a new entrepreneur, one has to win customers over with time. This can be done by building relationships, selling your products at a rate below that of the market. When you win the hearts of the customers, they'll always come around. So avoid promising what you will be unable to do.

With the right business habits, you will definitely get to the top of the mountain.

Thanks for reading.. :D


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I've learnt a lot from this post and your tips are very useful

selling your products at a rate below that of the market
This is a good way to attract more customers to a business

Yeah, it makes the customers keep coming.

Also reduces perceived value and a counter undercut by competitors and you're on your way out of business.

Provide value, know the worth of it and don't be afraid of charging full prices, when you know what you are providing in return.

Your goal shouldn't be to undercut, but to over deliver.

This is a very realistic outlook at things. I personally like the part about how the sponge. It is very true indeed. Let me share a lil story. Originally, when i newly started my business i wasnt making much and it was frustrating at times and the persons around me were all trying to finish the little i had made. It took a new set of associates to made me realise the difference and now i am doing better. Thanks @jaff8

Positive vibes are really important around an entrepreneur. Thanks for sharing your experience.

You've just hit the nail on the head. Most people are guilty of this. We tend to take some things for granted without realizing how much we can damage or lose it with nonchalance.
Also moving with the right people who share the same ideas, challenges one to succeed at their endeavors.
Good one @jaff8. Indeed very educative.

Thanks for coming around.

These are exactly the things we need to be seeing, becoming your own boss is the only way to financial freedom, its never too late to start trying.

One of the very reasons i love steemit, is that ideas and information you paid out there to consultants are readily available for you here... Free of charge
Nice one @jaff8

That's true Charles, Steemit is a source of income for many.

Entreprenuership is just like blogging
You've got to be consistent with it because is you give up you may never really know how it would have ended
Quitting is not an option

You just said the word. Consistency is a key. Thanks Owoblow for the contribution.

Very helpful post
I once read of a study that showed that 80% of entrepreneurs bail out after the first year. Mostly because they set goals that were not achieveable as you stated. Thanks bro!!

Wow that's a huge percent. Expecting too much is something that should be avoided. If you expect little and get much, better.

@jaff8, this is a very useful tips to start the week with, I really learnt alot from here.

In promise, U will say:

cut your coat according to your cloth.

In addition to all your points, attitude is everything, with a positive mental attitude, your attitude can either make or mar your business, you can gain more clients as an enterpreneur., so to really succeed you must imbibe a positive mental attitude(PMA).


Thanks @mike4christ for the addition. Positive mental attitude is a plus. Our thinking influences our judgements.

yes boss, you are absolutely right

Entrepreneurship is difficult. Not only because it's difficult to get a business going from the ground up, but because it requires a lot of self-discipline and that's something not too many people have.

Thanks for you post @jaff8!
I like your style and I really look forward to read more business and entrepreneurship related articles.

A little suggestion: adding headlines to your article would make the content easier to read and understand.

Keep growing!

Your business ideas are good bro

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

a very accurate article.

excellent post