Want To Sell Anything to Anyone? Here’s What You Need To Know

in business •  7 years ago 

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Selling is at the heart of what you do as a marketer, yet so many newbies feel like they can’t sell. Whatever your excuse, I’m here to tell you that you’re wrong. Sales is a skill that can be learned, not some arcane talent that few are born with – how many times have you persuaded someone to do something you wanted, instead of what they wanted? That’s the art of sales.

When it comes to money, it’s not that much different to compromising and persuasion. The key thing to remember is that you’re not selling your product as much as you are selling yourself. Have you ever purchased from someone you don’t like? Probably not, if you have a choice. Being friendly and personable is a must in this industry.

Another key to being a master salesman is to simply. People love to talk about themselves and their needs – not about you. By listening, you’re also collecting valuable information about their problem, which means you can make an offer tailored to fit around it.

On the same note, you want to be sure that you’re targeting the right audience. Perhaps you want to sell an app that’s the Lamborghini of the sales world, ramping up conversions left, right, and center… but it does cost $400 a month. Someone with a $20 budget isn’t going to bite, no matter how tempted.

Keep it simple, keep it targeted, and keep it focused on what the other person is looking for. There’s no real secret sauce here that only a born, gifted salesman can leverage. Have the confidence that you can do this and follow the above advice and you will see your sales skyrocket!

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great info. sir @jimmy

Marketing is the most important thing in economic life

someone is often afraid to try, for fear of my own failure like that, thank you I am inspired by your posst @ jimmy147

thank you @jimmy147 ;)

I love marketing, these days marketing is getting popular because of increase in new companies worldwide. Thanks for useful information.

Quite interesting, especially the part where you interact with the person making him feel that you are part of their bond of trust, that allows you to open up more to your words and that is where you find an open position to enter. Greetings and thanks for visiting my post

Thanks for information @jimmy147
someone is often afraid to try, for fear of my own failure like that, thank you I am inspired by your posst @ jimmy147

Gread post ..dear @jimmy147
Its very helpul info:
Wonderful photograpy ...

nowadays advertising is getting well known in light of increment in new organizations around the world. A debt of gratitude is in order for helpful data.@jimmy147

Inspiring and motivational as well. These words are not easy to come by and I appreciate your efforts in sharing ways through which people like me can succeed. I always have so much to learn from your writings and all I can say, is that you should keep up with the good work.

thank you @jimmy147 for this info ;)

Very informative n helpful post @Jimmy147 thanks a lot for sharing with us ur lovely post

valuable post, thanks for this information....dear @jimmy