Strengthen your business with simple app!

in business •  7 years ago 

Unified Communication. That sounds fine, but with a simple application, a company can communicate more easily and better with each other.

What is Unified Communication?

But what does that mean? This Unified Communication is mobile, landline, IP telephony and conversion in one. It is, of course, still relatively abstract, but simply because a fine English term is linked does not mean that it is particularly difficult to understand. Unified Communication is a business solution that brings together a lot of threads to create a stronger device.

Basically, Unified Communication may, for example, With an app, link a group of people. These people are given the opportunity at all times to see which of their colleagues are available, busy, sick or what options you want to add.

Just as you can easily see which of your colleagues are available or not, you can easily forward a customer to a colleague during a call. Even if you're calling, you can still see who's available and make sure you're sent the same way to the customer. For smaller companies, it is therefore easy to get started with Unified Communication.

On the other hand, if you are a larger company that needs more than just an app that can work with a couple of mobile phones, it is also advisable. Unified Communication can easily be expanded so it fades far wider

Cloud-based service with high security.

If you expand your solution, then there is no electronic device that can not be covered. An expanded Unified Communication solution can be Cloud-based. The cloud-based solution provides endless possibilities, and it is possible to connect smartphones, tablets, landline phones and their computer. At the same time, it is possible to make answering groups. Response groups allow you to forward calls to a group that has the same skills as the person you originally wanted to contact, but may not be available at the current time.

This ensures good online customer service, and utilizes the skills that are present at the workplace all the time. For anyone, working with a Cloud solution may be a little offensive. You put a lot of data into the uncertain, but the security is in the top. Not only are different companies working to ensure that the safety is top, it also does the Digitalization Board.

They make reports that inform users of the possibilities for accessing security documentation in the various cloud solutions that may exist on the market. In other words, you are in safe hands when you want to use Unified Communication through a Cloud solution. It is the future and security will only improve as technology also does. That way, in the future, we will have even easier working together effectively.

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Thanks for the blog! Its always great to read someone's view on UC
When considering UC, many aspects come to mind considering which offering: Global operating company, ability to deliver and execute, user experience/friendly, true single application or glued together, etc

The end customer usually wants something that works, is affordable and comes with enterprise grade security