in business •  8 years ago 

Find out what the 5 characteristics of a good manager are...
Photo: Shutterstock

Being a good manager is not only knowing and doing the administrative activities well , but rather serving as an example to those led. Look at the 5 characteristics of a good manager :

  1. Be able to raise awareness and motivate your team in relation to the objectives, goals and results to be achieved, identifying and enhancing the relationship of such objectives to the expectations and needs of each team member's self-development.

  2. Bring systemic, holistic and comprehensive insight into the inherent complexity of the business context, providing a broad understanding of its challenges and the central variables that make up them.

  3. To have a vocation for articulation, coordination and constant interaction not only in the model with each team member, acting directly and being present at the critical moments of each activity, from the planning stage to the execution, finalization and validation.

  4. Use the main concepts, project management methodologies and teams and the systems, functionalities and channels (mainly digital and collaborative) that enhance the capacity of management and control of the results and effectiveness of the work of the team members.

  5. To be able to be the example of what one wants to see in the world, that is, to lead by example , guaranteeing consistency between his discourse and practice, inspiring trust and transparency in relations with and among team members.

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