Pricing policy is very visible key of company marketing strategy and a marketing plan, business transaction that take place in the end unless you doing a marketing plan culminates in sale. The selling price most be has a result of total marketing approach.
Organization adopt this reason of pricing policy because, if the company don’t have the business plan, recognizing that some of the material in the product are sources of supplys and you may want to refresh yourself on reviewing the setting pricing policy.
When you want to assist your pricing policy for your business, examining the various factors that may influence the development of a pricing policy. Then think of the market research and analysis, pricing philosophy and business style to influenced the factors of your business pricing policy.
key components of a pricing policy.
There are some components in pricing policy that I have taking note of which are:
• Who your customers are.
• What are the needs of you customer
• What product suppliers have the best lines and program to help satisfy the needs.
There of areas of considers in developing a product pricing policy.
• Instant Customer Recognition
• Co-operative advertising programs
• To handle a name brand
• Product mix
• Distribution structure
• Local competition and product abundance
• Dealer program policy
• Product quality and selection
• Pricing structure and policy
• Advertising programs and support-nationally and locally
• Warranty policy and guarantee procedure
• Shipping policy, freight policy and return
• Payment terms
Leaning the effective pricing policy can be charging the market will bear and simply reacting to the pricing of the competitors, consistently reflect the market strategy and business style of the company.