Opportunity Knocks

in business •  8 years ago 

I am amazed at how quickly the world is changing. And it is exciting!

With all the change, many people curl up into a ball and hide. They try to pretend that if they don't acknowledge the change, it will not occur. The tide of change will eventually wash over them and when it happens, they will be ill prepared.

This audience and community is different and will flourish. It seems to be populated with people that are embracing change, admitting that there is nothing as sure as change itself. For those that are curious and have their eyes open, the next decade will be filled with thrills and wonderful opportunity in a boundless world.

Steemit is a fine example of an opportunity as it merges three trends:
First, Blogging is barely two decades old and Reddit is just over a decade old. It has never been so easy to get your voice out in the world on so many platforms with such enormous reach. Other Social Media assets like Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn and others afford us all tremendous opportunity to communicate with the world.
Secondly, The Rebirth of the Entrepreneurial spirit in America is exciting. As the relationship between the employee and the big traditional has been fraying and loyalties of both parties has diminished, people are realizing that they may not only change jobs more often but industries and careers. The idea of working 40 years with the same company and retiring with a big pension and a gold watch appears to be gone forever. Whether it is out of necessity or choice people are open to new ideas about how to earn a living. People are looking to create MSIs, multiple streams of income.
Thirdly, Crypto-Currencies, starting with BTC in 2009. There are now over 700 crypto-currencies according to https://coinmarketcap.com/all/views/all/. The market cap of BTC is over $10 billion out of the total $13 billion market cap of all crypto-currencies. Think about how impressive Steem's meteoric rise in market cap in such a short time is when compared to all the competitors. STEEM is ranked number three in market cap at over $300 million dollars. Wow!!

Steemit allows us to combine all three trends so that we can become entrepreneurs by using social media to provide value to a community and get paid in a trend setting and record breaking crypto-currency!!

People are creating Apps, and disrupting industries through Uber, AirBnb, Ebay and Amazon. Home based businesses are more popular than ever. The list goes on and on from driverless cars, desalinization, solar energy, robo-planners for your finances, robots at your restaurant, augmented realty (Pokemon Go), Free education through TEDTalks and Kahn's Academy, 3D printing to Hyperloop transportation and more.

This is my first post on Steemit and I look forward to posting more often about some of the other exciting changes taking place and hopefully planting some seeds of excitement in the community. In the meantime, I am extremely excited about the opportunity to take advantage of three incredible massive trends!

Please leave comments about what other major trends you see on the horizon.

I will leave you with one of my favorite quotes by Thomas Edison, "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Opportunity is all around us. Embrace it, enjoy it and don't miss it! it is a gift.

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Seems Ironic that Edison would say that, when he missed the opportunity on getting on board with AC when Tesla was working for him.. probably in overalls.

That's funny. Supposedly, Albert Einstein was asked what the smartest man in the world thought about a subject and he responded, "I don't know, you will have to ask Tesla!"