What is the main concept of Business ?

in business •  4 years ago 

Now let's talk about the real meaning of business. What is the main concept of business? If you never run a business before then it is very important for you to understand the main concept of business. We all are businessmen. We all sell something. For example, suppose you are an employee or you want to take a job in a company, ever then you are a businessman or businesswoman. In this case, you will sell your service in a company in return the company will pay you. Exactly the same way, if you notice well those companies also sell some service or product. That's means, if you want to make money you must have to sell something. It can be a service or product. As an employee, a man or woman sells service to a company in return those companies give a monthly or weekly basis payment to them. So the main concept of business is to sell something. As you want to start an e-commerce business you also have to sell something. I hope you understand the main concept of business. You will be more clear in this subject in upcoming lessons.
Thanks for reading.


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