The internet (and indeed the blockchain) provide a unique opportunity for individuals and businesses today:
They allow THE fastest and widest access to the Network Effect.
When I say "the network effect" I am referring to businesses, organisations and individuals that understand that access to growth and scale lies in connecting with those that share common beliefs, ideas and values.
When we share a common understanding (a shared like, value or belief) then we tap into a powerful force. As not only do we actively share and introduce our new "find" ( fill in the blank: product, service, platform, thing!) to others that know, like and trust us but the value of our "find" increases as more users (fans!) are added.
Ever heard of Metcalfe's Law? This basically states that the importance or value of a "find" grows as the square of the number of users increases. Put another way, my phone is only useful if you have one too. It becomes even more useful when all of our friends and family have one (oh, and all the other people whom we've yet to meet). AKA: our network.
So scrolling back to the beginning of this post: what's this got to do with the internet and the blockchain? Well, this whole world of networks probably started at the age of stone age man - think of small tribes, then villages and eventually by the time of the industrial revolution we shift to cities. An opportunity for people to interact and build relationships and then do business. A whole world of opportunity is opened up via networks. It has built enormous wealth - not just monetary but also human relationships and shared values. (The flip-side can be sinister shared belief systems built around networks but that's beyond this article... ).
Then we have the dawn of the internet (and more recently the blockchain).
The internet allows us to build networks like never before. Geographical boundaries become invisible. We can connect in the ether. Over online platforms that have the potential for exponential growth. Just take one look at Facebook - need I say more? Facebook is an example of the ultimate network business. User-generated content providing value to an online network driven platform - the more people that join and add their content, the more powerful and valuable that platform becomes.
And here we are at Steemit - another online platform with potential for explosive growth via the power of networks. Yet there is an added incentive here to contribute to the network in the form of the STEEM cryptocurrency: paid for adding to ("mining") the STEEM blockchain.
I think it is important to think about the power of networks both in a personal and business capacity. You can't achieve great things on your own and you're highly unlikely to build a 'unicorn' business without the power of networks.
Try to use the network effect to your advantage.