5 Techniques to Success 7-10 Minute Read 🐪

in business •  7 years ago  (edited)

Get up. Get to Work

Are you sick of working at a job you hate? You want to be happier in your life and feel more fulfilled? Well you have to “get to work.” What exactly does that entail though? You hear a lot of people say this but I never really knew where to start. So I started to read as much as I could to get an idea where to start. From my readings I have put together 5 ways you can start to your road to success. These examples are completely dependent on you. You are a major key to your own success.

Figure Out What Makes You Happy

What makes you happy? This is different for everyone, but the best answer is what you can do that you could do for free for the rest of your life. If you would be willing to do it for free and you can make a living doing it, then you found your dream career. With social media and how easy it is to get the word out there, your imagination is the only limitation you have. Be creative, take a risk!

Stop Making Excuses!

Now the last task was a lot easier to do. We all like to dream right? This one is going to be harder for most people to do. This may prove to be difficult because we all believe we are perfect in our minds. It’s very hard to turn the mirror to yourself and call yourself out on your crap. Whenever there is something to do we usually make some excuse on why to not start that second. “I’ll start next week, for sure I’ll start tomorrow; I am really going to make a change.” Let’s be honest, we have all been there, we have all procrastinated on something. If we didn’t we would be successful already. Here’s a challenge, next time you make a decision to take you on a path to change your life; START RIGHT THEN AND THERE! When you want to lose some weight, or you want to change your career or work on a new hobby start that second. Remember to catch yourself from making excuses. Successful people have a strong resolve when they want something and they don’t let anything get in their way. There are no excuses, they start right away. Most people have great ideas but those ideas never get afloat because of excuses and lack of discipline. This will probably be one of the hardest things for you to do but after you stop the excuses its several steps closer to success.

Read More Books

As technology improves it seems we have lost the drive to read actual books. We as a society are reading less and less books. Maybe more Instagram and Facebook post but not really books. Forbes reported that the average person reads 1 book a year. Now when was last time you read a book? I noticed I didn’t really read a lot of books either and I asked myself; “Why does this matter?” Well, I later read that the average CEO reads 5 books a month. 5 BOOKS A MONTH! That’s 60 books a year. Geez, I am starting to see why it is more important especially when you compare bank accounts LOL. Besides the money the more important difference between me and a CEO is knowledge. Knowledge is the key to success and is much more valuable than anything material. Reading not only expands your vocabulary, it broadens your horizons on different subjects. It allows you to see things from different perspectives and gives you an insight on certain professionals. This really depends on the book you read; when you do choose to read a book read something that can help you towards your goals.

Be Honest With Yourself

The road to success is littered with obstacles and we will have to fight through each one. This goes hand in hand with the ‘stop making excuses” point I made earlier. Bringing the mirror to yourself once again you must be honest with yourself for growth purposes. For example, I can be honest with myself and say that I have problems with sticking to goals and being consistent. Understanding my flaws can help me determine where to start. I now work on my consistency problems which should help me grow as a person. We all have flaws and if we want to be successful and we have to be realistic with our abilities so we know where to start building. This is where most people fail because they cannot be honest with themselves. In order to move forward and be successful it begins with you.

Don't Let Critics Stop You

This is another key step to moving forward to success. I am all for constructive criticism and I am also all for creative input but this must be taken with a grain of salt. At the end of the day, you are unique and special and you must have the courage to execute your ideas. Don’t let the skepticism of others sway you from trying to achieve your dreams and goals. Unfortunately, there are a lot of unhappy people in the world; this could be friends, spouses, or even people in your family. The road to success will have its skeptics, but you must stay strong in your pursuits. That passion that you have for your goals and dreams should be unshakable and you have to realize that you have to push forward even when others can’t see the vision you have. There have been tons of successful people who have been laughed out of a room when they mentioned their ideas, yet some of these ideas revolutionized the world we live in.

There are a lot of things we must work on to be successful in our lives but these five should get you in the right direction. I hope you enjoyed what I had to say and thank you for taking the time out of your day or night to read this. Let me know either in the comments or through social media if these suggestions help you in your pursuits of your dreams. Also, if you enjoyed this article please pass it on to a person that may need it. Till next time.

Peace and Love

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