There is officially an American trillion dollar company in valuation, and it is NOT Amazon. APPLE finally hits the $1T mark, which comes from the strong sales and revenues. All that despite the settlement with Samsung and the taxes Apple has paid back to the government of Ireland. Perhaps the tax cuts have also helped Apple retain some revenue. Tim Cook seems more conservative in his style compared to Steve Jobs, but from a management perspective he has kept Apple's stock from dipping. When some analysts predicted that Apple was going to dip like Microsoft, far from it. This is why I don't think you can really use TA to predict with 100% accuracy, even with cryptocurrency. Today Apple is in the position Microsoft wished, and Amazon wants to challenge. How long Apple remains at 1T we'll see, perhaps it will fluctuate every now and then.

Sammy would actually be happy with the news because Apple can order more of their OLED displays. Intel likewise would benefit, because Apple has dumped Qualcomm for Intel's LTE modems. With this much valuation Apple can proceed with their own push at building LTE chips and more SoC like the A11 Bionic (I hear the A12 ....). TSMC would likewise benefit, but it seems somewhere down the road Apple might just build their own fabs. Then Apple can start building their own CPU and GPU. Not to sound harsh on AMD, their Vega 64 is amazing with the iMac Pro. It just seems like a native Apple GPU optimized for bytecode will work best with any Apple product.