in business •  9 years ago 

Understand that you are engaged in favorite business, not so difficult. You just feel it. But how does it matter to find? That is the question of questions. Of course, even on such a complex issue can find the answer. All that is required from you, it's time to think and complete honesty with yourself. Without the latter condition will not work. Are you ready for an absolutely honest dialogue with itself? If you are ready - go ahead, here are 7 (not) easy steps.

Make a list of everything you like to do

Start with a clean slate. In the literal sense of the word. Open a new document in your computer or take a clean sheet and a pen. Start writing about everything that you enjoy doing. Do not try to direct your thoughts. Write whatever comes to mind, if it refers to what is really like. Watch TV, play computer, read, listen to music ... let everything settle on paper. Once you feel that the list ends, go look for it already in terms of spheres of life. What I like about your work? What I like to do at home? And in this spirit. Think of all the classes from which you enjoyed.

Determine what is the essence of what you like

The first item was the easiest. Now, begin complexity. All classes are hiding behind a certain point. Or on the other - many lessons combines a certain component, which is the essence of business. For example, I have a friend who is in the preparation of the list of many pointed out such activities: presentations, training of new employees, to understand other people's problems, to prepare reports, etc. Behind all this lies a list of single essence... We found it in the process of analyzing the list, trying to figure out what unites these or other items. The point is simple - he likes to teach people. That's how we have formulated. In this case, the word "teach" conveys a sense of the process - to share knowledge, to teach.

How are can be realized in a different way?

So, you've figured out what's behind all the list of your "favorite works." List of entities will be much shorter, but much more informative for you. Just think - you can realize all the essence so that it can bring not only fun, but also tangible benefits. Another example: My father often told me that if you do not develop, everything will be "an exercise in futility," a waste of time, which does not help me in the future. Even then I realized that it was necessary to link what you do with what you like. I started looking and found that there is a job. So the next time his father was saying to me that the answer - I do not waste time, I'm getting ready to become a specialist. And it's possible. Conclusion - think about how you can implement are different. It's possible.

Note - a world-class professional and I did not, but found his favorite pastime developing life

Tell us what you really grabs

Now set aside all that you have written. Leave the idea of ​​"magic list".

Ask yourself - if I could choose, what to do before the end of his life, what would it be? What captures your head? To answer this question, you will need all your honesty with yourself.

This is a very complex and at the same time a simple question. His challenge is to clear the mind of all unnecessary and agree with yourself. Simplicity is the answer. When you find the answer, surprised at how easy it was, and lay on the surface.

I note at once - if you have nothing and never grasped - read no further. Whether or not you are honest with yourself, or you can face from the outside world, or you're the only one, and your case must be studied carefully professionals.

Think about times when this happened.

So, okay you? Got what you capture? Now remember when it happened. More specifically and in detail. Try as much as possible to go back to that moment. This is important for two reasons. First, you check yourself if this is really what we are talking about. Secondly, it is necessary to determine the conditions in order to understand how you can implement your business practice.

Connect what you like with what you capture.

If you look closely at the list of what you like and what is really exciting, you will find a clear relationship. Returning to the example of my friend, he pointed out that he likes to teach people and, therefore, the activities associated with this. When we found out that it really captures much, we found out that this thing is to find a new one. More precisely, he liked to thoroughly understand some issue, analyze the acquired knowledge and deduce from this new knowledge. In this example, the relationship can be traced very clearly. This person gets great pleasure from being able to process the information, and he likes to teach people. That's just such a bundle and must be found. Such bundles can not be much.

The area of ​​your "passion" is usually quite narrow.

Now get this thing

Think about what it's like your a bunch of "passion - love." Itself already suggests a bunch of options for your business. My friend, judging by his passion and what he likes, would be a great scientist. This idea we have left as a starting point. What other activities related to his hobbies and is similar to the work of the scientist? Coach, Consultant, Business Analyst ... project manager. They stopped at the last activity. This work requires constant study and new reports this to the people, t. E. Training. Next, we specified the little idea of ​​who the manager of projects and outlined the way to becoming a new path. To date, this person is successfully engaged in the management of projects in different areas. He found his job.

Search for a business - a tough lesson. You can do this all his life, and ultimately did not find. This is the way of intuition. And you can think of and consciously working on search. This is the way rational.

To do what I enjoy. Otherwise you'll have to love what I do.

Good luck. 

With respect, Yan Dranovskiy

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