Business Shortcuts - Does it Help or Hinder your Business?

in business •  7 years ago 

Business Shortcuts - Does it Help or Hinder your Business?

Sometimes a shortcut is not the best way to get things done right, especially in a Business.

You will see why after reading this little excerpt from my life that just happened recently.

So my family and I were on our way to Target to get a birthday present for a party we were going to the same day.

I was waiting for the light to turn green for my left turn into the parking lot.

So I look around my surrounding see a lady with her two kids (one in stroller and one about 5 years old walking next to her) about to cross the street in front of me.

The light for pedestrians says go and the count down begins.

Now sidewalks have a ramp to go down to street level for people who rely on wheeled mobility.

I know this is more for people in wheel chairs but in this case, people with strollers could also use it to make it easy for them to go down to the street level.

Instead of going down the provided ramp just a few a foot or two away to make it easy for her she decides try to just go over the curb with the stroller and take the shortcut.

This is when my heart started pumping as I was worried for the worst about the child in the stroller.

The child almost fell out of the stroller.

As she went down, the wheel caught a crack.

Luckily she was able to recover fast enough to catch the child before falling out.

They made it across safely shortly after.

This is what prompted me to write this post and how it relates to business.

You see, I have been a victim of this and you might have been too or you may have been doing the same thing I have.

Let me tell you, it was a good idea at the time but it did not get me any results, for me at least.

I use to get free traffic for my website through those traffic exchange sites.

It was awesome because it was free!

I mean who does not like free right!?

So with this traffic exchange sites you fill out your information about your website and select the kind of traffic you want to your site.

After setting that up, you click through sites according to your preferences on what kind of sites you are interested in and you get credits to use for traffic.

Not bad right?

Well, here is the thing that bothered me.

I realized one day that I was spending more time click through sites that I did not read most of the time since I was more concerned about getting those credits than working on my site.

I lost my focus because I was trying to get traffic the easy way instead of actually working on getting my site Search Engine Optimized.

Silly me, FAIL.

What was I thinking? Easy, I wasn’t.

Shame on me for wasting my time on trying get traffic by clicking on links for most of my day.

Don’t get me wrong on this.

There is nothing wrong with using that kind of free service but it does not make any sense for me to waste my time doing the easy shortcut to get traffic to my site.

I learned that lesson a long time ago and now I am more focused than ever.


Well, think about this.

Is it not more important to learn and improve your understanding on how traffic gets to your site?

Is it not more important to actually work on learning how it all works and how you can optimize your site so people can find it?

Is it not more important to improve yourself through personal development so you make that right decisions for your business?

I thought about this for a long time and it is true that what you listen to, what you read about, what you watch actually molds the person you actually are.

There is a reason why you are where you are.

Think about it.

Do you like to challenge yourself all of the time or are you comfortable where you are at currently?

There are so many people who are stuck living the mediocre life when in actuality they can achieve a lot more if they can only break free from the comfortable life.

Now when I say comfortable life, I am talking about the life that most people are stuck in because they are fine where they are at right now.

Here is a thought.

Do you work because you love to work?

Do you work because you have to work?

Do you work because you are comfortable where you are at and don’t like change?

Is this really the life you want to work until you retire at the age of 65, 66, 67…?

Do you know what I mean?

I would rather work for myself than for someone else.

This is why I spend hours in front of my computer after my 12 hour shift working on my business online.

I get between 4 to 5 hours of sleep everyday not because I don’t like sleep but because there is so much to learn.

I would rather spend my time learning and improving myself to get better at what I do.

Perfecting my craft, which is making money online!

I have great Leaders and Teachers that not only support me but also gives me advice and tips on how to make my business work.

I listen and apply.


Because it works!

If you have someone that has talked the talk and walked the walk you better listen to everything they have to say because just simply put, it worked for them and they are making bank!

You owe it to yourself to learn as much as possible and put into action what you have learned so you can reach your goals whatever your goals may be.

For me, sleep is a waste of time.

It is time missed learning something new to improve myself and my business.

I know sleep is necessary for my body to function but when you are this excited about something you know is going to work you would do the same!

There are times when I don’t feel up to par but it I push myself to do what is necessary for me to succeed.

You have to want it bad to make it work, no matter how long it takes to get there.

At least you know you are not wasting your time watching television or playing video games all day.

Wouldn’t you want to get that luxury life you always wanted first before anything else?

I know I would.

I do this all for my family.

That is my driving force for what I do.

I want to be able to provide for my family everything life has to offer.

I have always hated when I had to say no to my kids when they wanted to go somewhere or they wanted to get something they saw all because we could not afford it.

I want only the best for my kids and it is hard when money gets in the way.

Guess what happens when the money factor is out of the equation?

That’s right!

You don’t have to worry about a thing.

You can do what you want, when you want, with whomever you want.

That is the life most people do not have.

We have to go to work to make someone else rich.


That’s right, I said it.

You are making someone else rich with your talents when you could actually make your talents work for you.

Doesn’t that sound a lot better?

You know it does.

Open your mind and break free!

You owe it to yourself, you owe it to your family.

Wake up and lets get to it people.

There is more to life than just living a life of mediocrity.

Believe in yourself, believe you can achieve the impossible.

You can make it a reality if you just let go and go for it.

The only one stopping you is YOU!

Find that inner beast in you and unleash it to the world.

You do not have to settle and just accept.

Accept nothing but the best life has to offer.

You can do more than you think.

I have been through a lot and I made it out of the depths.

I am living proof.

Get started and keep working it until you succeed.

Don’t give up because someone tells you cannot do it.

Those people do not know who you really are.

You’re a fighter!

Remember, you only failed if you did not try.

Get back up and do the unexpected and rise above and keep moving forward.

The past is the past.

This is now.

You know what makes you unique?


There is only one YOU and no one else!

Find that inner POWER and Unleash that beast inside and let's get down to Business!

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