in businessinsurance •  3 years ago 

If you’re in the business of waste management and recycling, you face a range of risks other businesses don’t when organising Waste Insurance coverage.

Finding the right insurance solution can be difficult. That’s why LAI Insurance Insurance Brokers takes the time to understand your business and works closely with industry specialists to ensure you’re not left exposed.

Placing your waste insurance in the Australian market can be difficult that’s why LAI Insurance Brokers have developed an arrangement with specialty international insurance markets and can source cover for a wide range of businesses.

How we can help

Not having the right insurance in place could be disastrous. A specialist policy will take account of the nature of your business and the specific risks you’re exposed to, including cover for:

Fire & Perils for loss caused by fire, lightning, explosion/implosion, storm, impact

Public liability for claims made by third parties for personal injury or damage to their property

Employers’ liability for the cost of legal action and any compensation resulting from an employee claim for work-related illness or injury

Business interruption to ensure your income is protected if you’re unable to operate at full capacity

Plant and machinery to replace damaged equipment or cover the cost of repair

Speak to LAI Insurance Brokers for all your business insurance brokers queries




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