Mr. Singh strolls into a bank in London and requests an advance. He says he's going to Europe on business for two weeks and necessities to get £5000.
The bank says they will require some sort of security for the advance, so Mr. Singh hands over the keys to another Rolls Royce, which costs a fourth of a million pounds. "The auto is stopped in the city before the bank," says Mr. Singh, "and I have all the essential papers."
The bank consents to acknowledge the auto as security for the credit.
After Mr. Singh leaves, the advance officer, the bank's leader, and every one of their partners appreciate a decent snicker at the man for utilizing a £250,000 Rolls Royce as insurance against a £5,000 credit.
One of the workers drives the Rolls into the bank's underground carport and parks it there.
After two weeks, Mr. Singh returns, reimburses the £5000 and the intrigue, which comes to £15.41.
The Loan Officer says, "Sir, I should let you know, we're every one of the somewhat perplexed. While you were away, we looked at you and found that you're a multimillionaire. For what reason would you try to obtain £5,000?"
Mr. Singh answers,
"Where else in Central London would i be able to Park my Car for two weeks for just £15.41"..??