My "favorite" toxic people

in busy •  7 years ago 

I know it's Mother's day today and I should probably write one post on the topic, but there are already tens of them around here that I couldn't match so I thought why not make a weird one that has some core in it. I don't know how it came out but I summed up some "qualities" of toxic people that I find like bad odor. Probably is the fact that I am fasting today and my mind wonders on quality of life and other wisdom ideas or it's just pushing my attention for a while.

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Without any other introduction let's jump and meet my favorites!

The first is the liar. Not that person that lied his parents about smoking at a party or about him banging some hot chic. It's the compulsive ones that I consider toxic. These kind of people will lie to you in your face, will lie anybody at anytime and anywhere. They lie that often that their reality is so distorted in their minds being hard to distinguishing it from the "stories" they tell. Sometimes they make me laugh, but most often they make me run.

Second is the pseudo-scientist. This type of person knows everything and is always giving his soul to prove you're wrong and his right. Nothing you can tell him is something he doesn't know or he doesn't have a better version of it. Those kind are that full of knowledge and opinions that they can't hold themselves proving that at any situation. Even when not provoked. They're always right and ever present on social media platforms and forums. They don't.

Next on my list is the gossip gal/guy. They always have something to tell you about your friends and to your friends about you. I've tested such persons and never dissapoint me. Such persons are also the ones that you should keep your secrets locked from or share your ideas as being secrets if you want them to be spread. Gossiping is not a habit for them, but a way of life. Any discussion subject is always about someone else. Not them or you, but a third person that's not there.

The fourth "favorite" of mine is the energetic vampire. It's a term that is not invented by me and it refers to people who always talk about themselves and their problems as you wouldn't even exist in that discussion. They don't even want to hear what's your opinion, but keep on telling and winning about theirs checking from time to time if you're still on the line or paying attention to their problems. They're vampires because you get out of these discussions simply drained of energy gong directly to bed and having no intention whatsoever in hearing anything else in that day.

The last in my list is the thief. Not the one stealing your parking place or your wallet although I don't like em either. It's about the ones that steal ideas. I remember a situation with a friend of mine about ten years ago who was telling some other about what kind of company he wishes to make in the near future and how he is planing to do it and what are his targeted clients. One month after that, the person who listened carefully, already opened this company with the idea and the clients "stolen" from that friend of mine. These ones are sometimes as toxic as the ones who steal your wallet and more skillfully than a fox in doing that.

These were my top 5 toxic types of persons that I always run from and hope to ever pass by me without having the need of interact with. You have yours probably and I would like to read your opinion about the subject in the comment section. Just curious...

Thanks for reading and have a great Mother's Day!

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Ah once we all meet one of this kind XD The pseudo scientist in my opinion are the worst i aver met -_- But liars are terrible too also if some are so clear in their lies that seems almost funny...

Some liars are funny also when they tell you with the same story they already told with changed details. They lie that much that they forget what they told.

I had a liar friend she was funny, because she tall to all the group the same story about her fake love story with the most popular guy at school, but she always change details and make the story crazy XD

😆 agreed