Avakusi Pesawat; Small Aircraft Evacuated By Society

in busy •  7 years ago 

Avakuasi pesawat Gubernur Aceh oleh Masyarakat setelah mengalami kerusakan mesin saat melintas di udara dan mekakukan pendaratan darurat di pantai Peukan Bada Aceh Besar, Aceh-Indonesia.

Evacuation of the Aceh Governor's plane by the Society after suffering engine damage while passing through the air and mekakukan emergency landing at Peukan Bada Aceh Besar beach, Aceh-Indonesia.

Pesawat kecil dengan kapasitas dua orang ini mengalami kerusakan berat setelah mendarat darurat, sayap pesawat patah.

The small aircraft with a capacity of two people was severely damaged after an emergency landing, the wing of the plane broken.


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Alhamdulillah pak gubernur selamat
