True Jargon

in busy •  7 years ago 


where exactly does possibility end and impossibility begin.

The word impossible is a word that has limited mankind for several years. Yes, some things are downright impossible yet at times we take our "inability to try" for our "inability to do". It's sometimes a mind war between "I can't" or "I won't try to" and most times choose not to try. Either out of ignorance or laziness.

who decides what's logical or illogical

Who really gives anyone the reserved right to ascertain nonsense from wisdom. At times humans call a thing nonsense just because they lack understanding of it. The ineffable or inscrutable is deemed illogicality. It's a beautiful way for ignoramuses to deny and escape their stupidity. They believe whatever the can't fathom or understand is stupid.

They mock and jeer at its ilLOGICALITY. They camouflage THEIR stupidity to be ITS stupidity. Looking down on what they fail to understand. Afterall, IGNORANCE IS BLISS. They say what you don't know won't kill you. Yet I find ignorance to be a merciless killer. Yet not killing a man and leaving him for dead but rather killing his mind through limitations and so called "impossibilities"

mankind is its own enemy

Man is the problem of mankind. A war is caused by a man. Men are killed by men. A man steals another man's money. A man kidnaps another man's child. A man embezzles funds meant for men. It's all this big cycle in which every man is hurting mankind and his own self, subliminally. Were every man to be sane, all would go well. Yet insanity is the order of the day. It pervades our society and leaves it with a lasting stench.

My Dad once said "A woman is the wife of a man. A woman is the mother in law who makes life uncomfortable for a wife. A woman is the girlfriend having extramarital affairs with another man's wife". The mother-in-law perhaps angry with the wife of her son for not putting to bed wouldn't be happy if the same was done to her. The girlfriend stealing another man's wife would not want the same to be done to her.

do what you want others to do unto you

I'm neither here to preach or rehash that biblical statement but rather to ask and make you wonder why as easy as it is mankind has found it hard to follow tge philosophy of only doing to other people what you'd want to be done to you. Is it that we can't or we won't try to?

The Bondage of Sterotypes

Many at times the society has limited itself to stereotypes and patterns of doing things such that a little deviation from stereotype makes you weird. You hear things like "SOCIETY frowns on this or SOCIETY frowns on that". Yet there's no singular person called society. It's a collective tag for a group of people. So why do we by ourselves chain ourselves? It's just one of those ironical situations in which we're really our own enemies. We're really the cause of our own bondage.

Why is there a stereotype of what a beautiful woman should look like when hardly any woman looks like that. We get our picture of a beautiful and perfect woman from what cover girls and movie stars look like or what they're made up to look like. Yet make up is made by man. So I wonder what make up is making up for. The flaws of a woman? The mistake of God?

Perfect is a thing but at time it's just a pigment of our imagination

Perfect? Perfection? Words we hear a lot. Yet is it really a thing or just an abstract idea in our mind. Everyone says "nobody is perfect" yet in one way everyone acts like they are "perfect". Perfection is something that perhaps eludes me and I'll shut up here. Anyone with a better understanding if human stereotypes on perfection should enlighten us in the comments. It would be much appreciated.

how is the word weird even a thing?

Weird is a word often used for WEIRD people ir things, I guess (lol). It qualifies something


Not normal; odd, unusual, surprising, out of the ordinary



Contrary to reason or propriety; obviously and flatly opposed to manifest truth; inconsistent with the plain dictates of common sense; logically contradictory; nonsensical; ridiculous; silly.

Wow, funny! Takes me back to who determines what's logical or not. I'd rather see weird as a word for the inexplicable. I'm not saying nothing is weird. I know somethings are downright strange and ludicrous. That's only because we don't understand it. Now something weird may be good or bad. There maybe different shades of weird. Lol.

Since there's normal (conforming to norms), abnormal (contradicting norms), and paranormal (out of this world), would anyone mind telling a lexicographer to consider the word extranormal?

God made man, man made money, money made man mad

So let's take a look at this before we leave. How can the creator of a thing be ruled by its creation. How can man invent things (not only money) and then be ruled by it. Though these things are created to make our lives easier, they often make them worse.

I'll rather let someone else answer this question

And now I'm through spitting true jargon, let me leave you to think.

with love
@ajremy (the teen with steam for steem)

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That is a philosophical terrain whose plumb you just delved in. We manacled ourselves with what the society say and leave ourselves to the whims and caprices of those who do not rank up to the dictates they profess. Man is deceitful...we would rather condemn overtly what we covertly indulge in.
The more reason why it is better to be promethean. Deviate from the norms so as to have inherent liberty.

I had to mull on your comment before I finally braced up to reply you. Not only have you hit the nail on the head and almost read my mind, you have given me the muse for yet another post. Thanks my good sire


This is exactly what man needs at the moment. Well spoken. Thumbs up

Thanks bro.. glad I could be of help