The silliest milestone ever: 11,111 followers

in busy •  7 years ago  (edited)

Ten months ago I wrote this piece about learning to recognize and celebrate our victories and besides wanting you to read it, I also want to point out to you the payout my post got.

Go read the post and then check out the payout, I'll wait for you here, no rush.

You see, if you are a minnow reading this post, I once stood where you are; if your posts are getting cents or just a few bucks every once in a while, I was you less than a year ago; if you think top rewarded Steemians were always at the top you might be right, but there is also a small percentage of people who started at the bottom.

I was there. I don't mean to act as if I'm already at the top, I'm just saying this so you know it's possible, it's doable to be a minnow in the beginning and keep growing every day until you feel satisfaction and a sense of achievement.

One of the most important parts of my Steem life is portrayed in the link I asked you to read at the beginning of this post. Celebrating the small victories... There is nothing wrong in being happy for "silly" things; you have every right to pat yourself in the back every time you feel like you achieved something; you are entitled to feel good about yourself once you reach a goal you set for yourself.

I mean, if you don't do it for yourself, who else is going to do it for you?

It's great when we read a post that encourages us to keep trying to "make it" on Steemit but the truth is, most of the drive and encouragement we'll find in life will come from within ourselves.

That's why I'm celebrating this silly achievement. That's why even though I don't really make milestone posts (last one was 3 months ago) very often, I do try to make them every once in a while, especially when I feel like I need some encouragement.


There you go Eric, nicely done, you have five number ones in your follower base. Cool story.

I say it's silly because having that amount of followers doesn't have any real meaning, it's just a number. It may be big but it's not a significant number like 5,000 or 10,000 or 25,000 but somehow, for me it holds a somewhat silly but important milestone. I have 11111 followers, and I want to celebrate that small, silly and weird milestone.

But hey, I would love for you to join in this little dynamic. Why don't you reply here in the comment section one of the achievements you've had in the past few days, an achievement that you might think is not worth celebrating. Share it with me and anyone who reads the comment section. Let it out, feel good about yourself.

Who knows, perhaps all we need is to read other success stories to get some encouragement for ourselves. Who knows, perhaps all this positivity can lead us somewhere :)

I will be reading all the replies and most of my voting power for tomorrow will be used to vote on the replies here, after all, we are all contributing to the good vibe, we are all part of the encouragement that may or may not come out of the comment section.

I'm not really a fan of keeping the liquid rewards of milestone posts, so all the liquid rewards from this post will go to the roadtosteemfest surprise I have prepared in a two months.

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  • Maybe for some people it doesn't matter, maybe those around me don't realize how satisfying it is to grow on this platform, they don't know it, maybe they don't understand it but for me it has been, transcendental, it has changed my life and I celebrate that. I celebrate that every day I feel that I learn more, with each article read, with each interaction with a user, I celebrate these new virtual friendships thanks to steemit, I celebrate that this week I reached my fifties (50), eye, not of age hahahaha, but of reputation, with much effort, late nights and dedication, it has not been easy, some months ago I saw it far away, I felt frustrated, some impatience, but I could feel more convinced that I could do it, I celebrate that. Perhaps reaching seventy, as your @anomadsoul seemed far away, but I firmly believe that the momentum and breath as you expressed it in your publication, comes from within and will crystallize that dream faster than you imagined. Anything is possible with determination. So let's celebrate because it's done!
  • Quizás para algunos no tiene importancia, tal vez quienes están a mi alrededor no perciben lo satisfactorio que es crecer en esta plataforma, no la conocen, tal vez no la entienden pero para mi ha sido trascendental, ha cambiado mi vida y celebro eso. Celebro que cada día siento que aprendo más, con cada artículo leído, con cada interacción con un usuario, celebro estas nuevas amistades virtuales gracias a steemit, celebro que esta semana alcancé mis cincuenta (50), ojo, no de edad jajaja, sino de reputación, con mucho esfuerzo, trasnochos y dedicación, no ha sido fácil, hace algunos meses lo veía muy lejos, llegué a sentir frustración, algo de impaciencia, pero pudo mas mi convicción de que lo podía hacer, celebro eso . Tal vez llegar a los setenta, como tu @anomadsoul pareciera lejos, pero creo firmemente que el impulso y el aliento tal como lo expresaste en tu publicación, viene desde adentro y va a cristalizar ese sueño mas rápido de lo imaginado. Todo es posible con determinación. ¡Así que celebremos porque esta hecho!
  • logo luces

      ·  7 years ago (edited)
    Estimado amigo, o "compadre" como a veces te digo... o sencillamente "Eric" @anomadsoul para no decirte Jefe o Señor (como dices que te dicen los nuevos) jajaja me dio mucha risa leer eso el otro día.
    Te cuento que:
  • Tengo ya 147 días (de los cuales solo hice 3 post durante los primeros 30 días -grave error-)
  • Desde que comencé a publicar (con regularidad) he hecho artículos relacionados con la música que es mi fuerte
  • He publicado algunas veces para OpenMic, pero la competencia es dura (hay muchas gente buena, pero no descansaré)
  • Sin proponérmelo llegué hoy día a tener 51.7 de Reputación y 38 de SP (cosa que me sorprende)
  • A pesar de que los números hablan bien de mi, ya que son votos orgánicos, siento que la parte cuantitativa no es mi principal logro.
  • Siento y Se que mi principal logro es haber dejado ya una cantidad enorme de "buenas publicaciones", aunque no llevo tanto tiempo, considero que mis post le brindan "algo" a este ecosistema, es como dicen por ahí: tener un hijo, sembrar un árbol y escribir un libro, siento que todo lo voy logrando aquí. Me parece que no hay mejor HIJO que tu BLOG, al cual le aportas una gran cantidad de horas al día, no hay mayor LIBRO que los cientos de ARTÍCULOS que has publicado, y definitivamente no conseguirás un ÁRBOL mas grande que STEEMIT, donde puedas regarlo con tu conocimiento diariamente, haciendo que este árbol sea capaz de brindar sombra y cobijar con conocimiento a las futuras generaciones.
  • Ese es mi mayor LOGRO, mi meta solo fue sembrar un poco de lo que se, y mi recompensa ya la puedo ver cada ve que veo comentarios en mis post donde me agradecen por el trabajo realizado, espero sirva de legado para el futuro.

    Gracias amigo, por permitir expresar estos sentimientos genuinos con libertad en tus comentarios (que lee tanta gente).
    Te mando un fuerte abrazo y éxitos en tus caminos nómadas.

    PD: He aprendido mucho aquí, creo que llegó el momento de enseñar y compartir lo que soy y lo que se.


    Nothing wrong with silly. I remember when my first car rolled over 100,000 miles when I was in high school. I was driving myself and some of my buddies home from school. We pulled over and did a little stupid victory dance on the side of the road (we didn't have cell/camera phones in those days, else I would have taken a few shots), and then got back in and went on our way. It was silly and I haven't thought of that for years. But I have just enjoyed the sweet, fond memory of it because of your post. So, there's value in both, I think. Thanks!

    Congratulations dear @anomadsoul on this success)
    11111 - this lot of 1’s is a beautiful number! )
    I have only 876 followers now - as I write this comment,
    but I'm happy and I like this my number) Its three figures coming in a row in reverse order)
    And I was so happy, when you gave me a large upvote for my post about my kids and sport 3 days ago!) Thank you again)

    Sometimes Eric the silliest of milestones are even the loveliest, yeah you're a guy who doesn't really look at the random milestones just like when you hit rep 70, I commented on one of your post reminding you of the fact that you'd hit 70 rep, but the truth it with hitting 11111 followers I recon you will celebrate hitting rep 77 lol those beautiful odd numbers hahahaha.

    What can I say man, how do I say congratulations in Mexico? you're a limelight so far that's shone across many places, keep up the good work and once again forget the odds 😀😀 it's an incredible milestone

    congratulations for your 11 thousand followers is a significant achievement.
    My biggest achievement was when I made a publication telling my life here in Venezuela after I made the post it had already been 3 hours and I had not voted for my publication so I decided to go to sleep the surprise was greater when I get out of bed and go to the computer to see who voted my publication and I see that it has 100 votes and 54 sbd in reward for me was shocking and my publication is usually always at zero.

    Congratulations on the milestone achieved but then I tend not to value having much followers as a milestone for two reasons

    • Three months back I discovered that whenever I posted using i always get immediate followers up to 10 to 15 and looking at their accounts they are not more than 15 to 30 days old, so i don't have value for followers.
    • Having followers is not the main thing but having followers who contribute to your post either by comment or upvote.

    My achievement that might look small
    I got a writing contract from a steemian who pays me 2sbd for writing a 200 word article and currently he gave me some links to his old post on steemit, for me to copy them out into a word format and proof read them and he is paying me 25sbd for that

    Hola Eric
    No puedo esperar a que publiques en español para comentar.
    Realmente agradecido por tus palabras, no solo en este post sino en el post de hace 10 meses.
    Ciertamente es muy importante celebrar las pequeñas victorias. Entendiendo que poco a poco la victorias serán cada vez mayores, en dinero, en retos superados y sobre todo en mayor satisfacción. E inevitablemente invitándonos a obtener un nuevo reto para optar por una nueva victoria.
    Como invitas a compartir un logro que quizás pase desapercibido, aporto el siguiente.
    Con el auge de steempress, conseguí tener un blog, y hacer un par de publicaciones. Y gracias a los acuerdo entre steempress y cervantes, mis publicaciones fueron tomadas en cuenta. Sé que no es gran cosa pero primera vez que recibo votos de ellos en 7 meses en steemit. Y debo admitirlo, me alegró mucho.
    Un abrazo y saludos.

    11139 now - as I write this comment, Congrats :-)

    I won't say that I am doing badly here on steem blockchain. I may just be a red fish (not even a minnow) but I have had few posts that have earned more than ten dollars. I know that it is not a very big amount, but to me as a newbie red fish it is a big amount.

    The best thing about steemit is that people here respond. If you show them your work, they take a look and reward you accordingly. It may not be the fairest system (as a lot of people like to cry) but it is a damn sight better than all others out there.

    I consider myself lucky to have been able to find this place and to get to know some decent human beings. In the process I get to earn some Steem tokens. Frankly, life looks far more uplifting here than a lot of places that I know of.

    Let,s assume that there are a little more than 1M steem accounts. This means that you are followed by at least 1% of all Steemians. I wouldn't call this a silent milestone! That's just amazing.

    Well I will be writing my morph from red fish to minnow this evening or maybe tomorrow. This was a goal since I did start my Steem journey in the beginning of the year! So, yes I will do a little happy dance when I do see "Minnow" in my frontend :)
    The most important thing to keep being motivated is to set achievable goals. They may not be too easy to achieve and not too hard. Compare it with high jumping by lowering the bar too low you can just step over it, while putting it up too high you already know that you will never be able to jump over it!
    Next goal is 750 and it would be a dream if I can reach this before the end of the year!

    LoL now that's a fun kiriban XD So of course I had to check and you've gone up a few since XP And nothing wrong with celebrating each small achievement as they come, even if it's just a victory punch or simply a smug YES I HAVE FINALLY DEFEATED YOU PROBLEM look :)

    The last "milestone" type post I made was a while ago and I was stoked about the fact my 2c was finally worth 2c (well 2 steem cents but cents are cents as far as I'm concerned ;D)

    Got nothing really in the last few days, but I'm closer to finishing some stupid 3d teeth I was having dramas with, does that count? XD

      ·  7 years ago (edited)

    Ha ha,

    I have 11111 followers, and I want to celebrate that small, silly and weird milestone.

    I have heard that 11111 is a cosmic number which portends the dawn of a new awakening, maybe this is why it leaped out at your Eric!?😜😂

    Anyway, enough of my silliness.

    I have a milestone which is my one year steemit birthday today. I can't believe how fast the time has flown or how far I have come. Both this post and your older one expresses really well one of the key things with steemit I think - to accept what is and be happy in what you're doing. Great freewrite Eric!

    I’m hoping to catch 1337 whenever it happens on my end might even make a little post out of it. Bit of a gamer joke maybe.

    I’ve been a lot these days taking time out in life to enjoy the little things. Everyone is just so busy running 10000 miles per hour. I think they will overlook there entire life’s at the rate they are going. They will just wake up one day and be on their death beds as a life of emptiness flashing by.

    While sometimes they can be a little silly. I agree they are worth stopping for a moment and enjoying. Sometimes live just gets so busy you don’t have that opportunity to take a moment and

    Honestly the only milestone that I celebrated on steemit (like making a post about it) it was when I reached my first 100 followers, lol.
    It's dumb but cute in the same time, I guess.
    I was so happy and proud of myself to see that there are 100 people who follow me, 100 people who like what I do, 100 people who spend a little time to read what I post, 100 people who travel with me and 100 people who were there from my very first period on steemit when I didn't even know how to make a post look nice and fancy.
    Even though I celebrated only then, my soul was always happy, with every little follower, every little upvote and every opinion written in my posts. I'm always trying to learn something new and improve the way I share my travels with people and that's the best way to do it as I can't see my real abilities and mistakes I'm making because I will be subjective.
    But hopefully one day I will also celebrate that 11111 number, haha 😊

    Eric, en las cosas sencillas está la felicidad.

    Yo, por ejemplo, ayer me di cuenta que alguien que para mí es importante, es mi seguidor, yo no lo visito y comento sus post para que me vote, la verdad que no esperaba ningún voto de su parte (sólo lo ha hecho una vez), aunque ha interactuado muy pocas veces conmigo, verlo ahí como mi seguidor, significa mucho y eso me dice que tengo que estar haciéndolo bien para que esto haya sucedido.

    No es fácil, quién mejor que tú para saberlo, lo que también es cierto es que sí se necesita el apoyo de gente que ya ha transitado ese camino que nos toca transitar a todos.

    Seguiremos haciendo contenidos originales y con calidad, en la perseverancia y una pizca de buena suerte tendremos el éxito en nuestras manos.


    @anomadsoul, First of all really congratulations for this unique Milestone of 11111 followers. And i hope and wish that in future you will going to attain more unique achievements for sure, because in my opinion you deserve it.

    And yes many started from the bottom because they put their efforts and time and they used their opportunities effectively. And we have to hold the faith and self belief then we can attain the heights for sure.

    Good to know about your story, and you've already told that you've started from the bottom but through your hard work you've reached to an effective position.

    And my recent Milestone is, I've successfully completed by journey from Plankton to Minnow. I've joined on the Steemit Platform with ZERO Investment and now i have more than 500 Steem Power just powering up my 50 to 60% rewards.

    Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂

    Congrats on the (strange, unless you're a robot...IS IT HAPPENING? THE GOD DAMN ROBOTS ARE TAKING OVER?!) milestone, man!

    I haven't had any in awhile really. Though I did get some really sweet and encouraging comments on an article I wrote the other day that help make me feel more open to doing non gaming related things. Probably not quite what you were looking for, but it's nice having multiple people enjoy your writing style :)

    Wow, you've gone too far already in just a year+ since you join in this platform with some 11k followers of yours. you're 'd man indeed! kudos to you

    It might sound silly to some, but I truly believe there is something about numbers... And this number is the coolest @anomadsoul :) Do you realize that we met on 1-11 (2017)? You, me and so many others at Steemfest2... So yeah, a special number my friend.

    Ohh really? Gosh that HAS to be some sort of sign from father destiny :D

    Yup 😀 Has to be. When I read your reply, it said 11 hours ago...😎

    Congratulation my dear friend for your 11111 followers. My post for you, please check

    Este Post ha sido votado por delega, un pool de SP patrocinado por: @betamusic y @nnnarvaez para apoyar tu crecimiento y el contenido de calidad.

    Un proyecto del Witness: @castellano (si quieres formar parte, contactales)

    Great post!

    Just kidding, but I do think it's really awesome that you made this milestone. As many of us never will. And I most likely have to stick around until 2018 to get so many followers.

    Congratulations @anomadsoul... I believe I will achieve a like milestone very soon, even though am still a minor earning just little or no token out of my post. It takes patience. Kudos!!!

    I am happy for you that it is going so well, but just imagine if all the 'followers' voted, we would all have bigger payouts hahaha.

    Congratulations 🥂 and good luck for the future! ✨ You put quite a bit of effort on even your first post, which is rare to see!

    Woah! That's great. Congrats Sir!

    I always celebrate crazy milestones like this with Steem! Makes it more fun. You got me thinking about things I’ve done in the past few days... I hit a new PR for bench press at the gym yesterday!

    Posted using Partiko iOS

    What's your next milestion? 13147 followers? Hope you celebrate with a pie when that happens! hahahahah

    Congratz on the follower count! You deserve every single one of it.

    Hahaha! Good of you to notice says I.......... what are the spirits trying to tell you? That's one crazy number my friend!

    Thanks for the post, anomadsoul.

    This bot runs through hundreds of posts per day selecting a small percentage of posts that have exceptional positivity.

    Your post has been selected and upvoted because it has a high concentration of positive words that give feel-good vibes. Thank you for creating content that focuses on the bright side.

    Your post has also been entered to be included in a daily roundup of positive posts.Please comment 'yes' or 'no' if you feel that my bot is correct in its judgement of this post. Your comments will be used to determine if this article belongs in the curated list. Over time, your feedback will be used to improve the judgement of this bot


    Congratulations brother, that’s a lot of 1’s 👊😁

    Wow haha love the number @anomadsoul Congrats on such an awesome milestone 👍👌😊

    Posted using Partiko Android

    Congratulations bro 🤜🤛

    I'm not a big fan of milestone posts either @anomadsoul, especially followers ones since, so many are spam accounts. However I like your idea of celebrating a fun number.

    I haven't written a roadtosteemfest post yet since I am still sitting on the fence about it. But, if I get off the fence and onto the road I will write one. 😁

    Wishing you a fun day!

    There you go Eric, nicely done, you have five number ones in your follower base.

    So congratulations on reaching 11111!!! 😁

    I celebrated a genuine achievement, I feel, this month - that of reaching 1000 Steem Power through sheer hard work (apart from 120 Steem I bought in my third month here).

    That and the low price of Steem inspired me to buy a bit more and I'm thinking about getting myself to the point of half worked for and half bought. But we shall have to see about that.

    Just at this moment I have a small symbolic achievement - the number of my subscribers is 3737. Maybe this is a lucky number and it will begin with this era of prosperity on the STEEM.

    Как раз в этот момент у меня маленькое символическое достижение - число моих подписчиков равно 3737. Возможно это счастливое число и именно с него начнетсямоя эра процветания на на СТЕЕМ.

    Such an inspiration to read this post. Like whoah, you've actually been to where i am at this moment. Yeah?

    So ten months (or more) from now, I could be where you are at? That's a push I wanna try.

    Milestone for me was reaching a 41rep in my more than 10-day stay in the steemit sea. I also jumped up and down like a silly kid when I was honorable mentioned by @derangedvisions in one of his contests.

    Yeah, made a milestone post about it on my tenth day on Steemit. Check it out if you please, and I would be honored sir:

    Posted using Partiko Android

    I wanna to say congratulate you @anomadsoul. Your spirit is transmitted to the other Steemian. Warm regard from Indonesia.

    ¡Genial! ¿Qué más puedo decir de tus logros? Me da mucho gusto ese deseo de inspirar a los demás. Es una forma de estar agradecidos con los demás como con uno mismo
    ¿Cuáles son mis logros? Desde caminar hasta no pelearme con mi familia jajaja.

    Hi! So glad I found you at trending list as this was charming text :)

    What I'm proud right now? Well, I joined here 3 days ago and I'm making solid progress. I got 173 followers and I would love to get 666 because why not? 11111 is also a very good number!

    I followed you, happy to read an comment your blogs in the future as well!

    Congratulations on your great success,i hope i can became 10% of your successful