Novel-Novel-ku Masuk Steemit!/ My Novels Sign in Steemit! (Bilingual)

in busy •  7 years ago 

Dear, Stamian Friends!

SELAMA aku bergabung di Steemit, novel-novelku juga masuk di postingan Steemit. Di Steemit aku mulai punya banyak kawan baru. Kawan lama-ku pun banyak yang masuk Steemit. Mereka memposting dan mengulas buku-buku-ku di Steemit. Ada banyak komunitas Steemit yang sangat membantu para Stemian.

Steemit sudah merambah ke mana-mana. Orang-orang yang bergabung di Steemit umumnya punya kemampun menulis. Mulanya memang tidak begitu bagus. Lama-kelamaan tulisan mereka semakin bagus. Informasi-informasi yang dipostingkan kawan-kawan di Steemit cukup membantu. Yang penting mau berusaha dan belajar. Kalau ada kemauan, apa pun bisa dicapai. Yakinlah itu!

Aku senang kawan-kawan di Steemit mulai mengenalku. Mereka juga mengenal buku-buku-ku. Kami sering bertemu dan membicarakannya. Ruang untuk leterasi, cerita, dan sebagainya tersedia di Steemit. Jadi, sudah saatnya sekarang kita bergerak maju. Yang bergerak mundur itu adalah kucing yang kepalanya terperangkap dalam plastik. Mari sama-sama kita membangun dunia baru; dunia Steemit!

My Novels Sign in Steemit!

Dear, Stamian Friends!


AS LONG as I joined Steemit, my novels also entered in Steemit's post. In Steemit I started to have lots of new friends. My old friend too many who entered Steemit. They post and review my books at Steemit. There are many Steemit communities that are very helpful to the Stemians.

Steemit has gone everywhere. The people who join Steemit generally have the ability to write. At first it was not so good. Over time their writing improved. The information posted by friends at Steemit was helpful. The important thing is to try and learn. If there is a will, anything can be achieved. Be assured of that!

I'm glad the friends at Steemit are getting to know me. They also know my books. We often meet and talk about it. Space for litteration, stories, and so on is available in Steemit. So, it's time now we move forward. The reverse is a cat whose head is trapped in plastic. Let us together build a new world; Steemit world!

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