in busy •  7 years ago 


The following is a general tips and tricks that you can use in fishing using fly fishing techniques. The following points are an adaptation of some of the overseas fly-fishing forum forums that we combine with the experience and observations we get when using this fly fishing technique in local fishing spots, both in the wild spots to the fishing ponds. If you have tips and tricks about engineering and application of fly fishing techniques


1 . Pray before fishing in order to be saved and be confident to get some fish. Never underestimate the potential dangers that exist in this fly fishing technique. Safety first.


2 . Fishing in place of existing fish, because most wild spots, especially on the island of Java is affordable transportation has been finished off by the stroomer. Or if you force fishing with fly fishing techniques in a place that obviously you know just the rest of the broth, at least you can practice fly fishing techniques like roll cast and others. Even if you know about boncos, at least one or two photos will be obtained as a report that you have been playing fly fishing that day.

3 . Match the Hatch. This term is not nonsense. Use flies that resemble shapes, sizes, colors, and actions like the natural foods of the fish you target. For that, your observation of the habits and also the hours of eating fish is necessary to get the pictures that will be useful for you when will choose flies in your flybox. The more you understand the patterns that occur in your favorite spot, the easier it will be for you to get the fish. You must become a master on your own spot.

4 . Flies that shine in water like spoon and spinner fly are always killer for any spot, either in stream or still water. Maybe some fly fisher think the flies are not "flies". But why not give it a try? as long as no sin, no problem is not it?

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5 . Using more than one flies in a series when no response from the fish is a wise choice. In moving waters such as in small rivers, the use of rigging can be very effective. Usually a combination of rigging as follows, nymph a bit heavy on the bottom, nymph lighter / wet flies in the middle, and dry fly is in the top position. The length of rigging adjusts to the depth of the water. This combination can be modified at will, either by rigging 3 or 2 flies only. Use drifting techniques when in moving water spots such as rivers, and slow stripping when in spots of calm water (lakes, swamps etc.)

6 . Pay attention to fish habits in search of food. Several types of fish snatch food on the surface, some in the middle, and others looking for food at the bottom of the water, it is very important to know to make it easier for us to choose the right flies. For example, like pomfret that spends a lot of time on the base, then flies are sinking quickly is a good choice to get a strike from the fish.

7 . Selection of flies colors can be very important when facing waters with certain water color conditions. You can use any color flies when the water is clear, but if facing a spot with dense and turbid water color (dark green or brown) the use of dark flies flies and having a slightly larger profile can be the main choice.

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8 . Sight casting will make your fly fishing moment much more fun and tidying than blind casting with random targets.

So some notes that we can share for you. Hopefully useful and can add a little knowledge, especially for beginners who have just started learning fly fishing techniques.

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