Fish Bastilla

in busy •  7 years ago 



  • 500 g Croft
  • 500 g calmer circles
  • 500 g White whale I used as Philly Dial Ombrein
  • 200 g red fusion
  • 200 g butter
  • 3 large castles of metal and metal parts
  • 2 incense cutters cut into small cubes
  • Packed Mushroom Box
  • 3 Chinese noodles of 250 g
  • 100 g olive without bone clip circles
  • 2 large onions cut into cubes small
  • 2 small salt compactors
  • ملعقة teaspoon izar
  • 2 senior latent commuters
  • A tablespoon sweet red pepper
  • 1 teaspoon herring or hot red pepper
  • Egg (for sticking sides)

For decoration

  • Circles of acid
  • 80 g of red-hot fusion
  • 5 crumbets fried in oil

How to prepare

We climb the croft and the calamari for 15 minutes and then lift them off the fire and let them drop the same thing for the white whale.
We take the Chinese noodles and climb them in the same water in which we whipped the whale Bash takes the brick and halves and cut it with scissors.

Combine the onion with salt and pepper in oil.

On top of the fire we take a bowl and put in it 2 butter butter + 2 small salt cubes + 2 large buns + 1 tablespoon red pepper + 1 teaspoon honey or hot red pepper + sour parsley + olive oil + sliced ​​mushrooms + olives + Add the croft and cucumber and add the white whale. Then add the Chinese noodles and stir well until the mixture is mixed and then extinguish the fire.

We take the paper with a 40-centimeter roll and sprinkle it with the melted butter and spread the pastel paper, one under and then 5 leaves in a mixture and then another in the middle and sprinkle with the melted butter. Then put the mixture and spread again with butter. Then add the remaining white whale pieces and then the frozen frygum and close the sides. Paste a final sheet of paper in the middle and rub it with butter and oven for 35 minutes at 180 ° C.

After removing it, decorate it with crushed ferrite and pieces of sour cream or keruvite beads

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