How to prepare delicious bread

in busy •  7 years ago 



4 cups of flour.
ملعقة teaspoon salt.
4 tablespoons of sugar.
A teaspoon of yeast.
كوب cups milk.
كوب cup liquid butter.
3 eggs.
Liquid butter, for fat.

How to prepare

  • Method of preparation:
    Mix two cups of flour with salt, sugar and yeast into the electric perineum, at a slow speed. Add milk and liquid butter, and knead the mixture at medium speed, until the ingredients homogenize. Dough the dough and place in a greased bowl, leave for 30 minutes to brew, or even double in size. Put the dough back in the electric perineum at medium speed, add the eggs and then the rest of the flour, while continuing to knead until the ingredients homogenize.

Divide the dough into equal sections, forming medium balls, with light pressure at the palm of the hand until it becomes flat. Pour the dough balls into a sheet, then cover well with plastic foil, leave to brew again for an hour, or even double in size. The oven is heated to 200 ° C. Bake the bread with a little butter. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes, or until golden. It can be served with a little butter, jam or honey

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