Help for Alzheimer's?

in busy •  5 years ago 

Alzheimers disease.

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One of my close dear friends is going through this for the last few years. Her dad is in his seventies and has slowly been showing all the symptoms. It has been so hard for her mom to see the person she has loved for decades slipping away.

So what is it? The old peoples disease.. being senile... just getting older.

So much more than all those.

Alzheimers is a progressive irreversible disease that destroys your brain.

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They symptoms start out with minor memory loss, confusion, forgetfulness. There is trouble doing everyday tasks like taking care of yourself. Anger, irritability, depression. Patients can live for years with the disease. I can't even imagine being the care giver for somebody you love. This must be one of the hardest life situations to live with. To see a loved one in pain and there is nothing you can do...

There is no known cure. Is there a way to maybe prevent the damage? To lessen the symptoms? My friend and I decided to do a bit of research.
This what we found. "An active compound in marijuana called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) has been found to promote the removal of toxic clumps of amyloid beta protein in the brain, which are thought to kickstart the progression of Alzheimer's disease. "
How fantastic would this be. If we could remove the cause of the disease itself.

I also read this in health,
"Over the years, research has suggested that by binding to these receptors, THC could be having another effect on ageing brains, because it appears to helps the body clear out the toxic accumulations - or 'plaques' - of amyloid beta."

This is at the very least promising news. I do think more research is necessary. I just want to bring awareness to the health benefits of marijuana. If cannabis could ease the pain or maybe prevent a terrible disease, we at least need to explore all the benefits.

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In February of this year, they got the go ahead for the first trial to treat dementia with medical marijuana. This is great news really. Now we didn't do all the research for you, but I do want to get you thinking about it. Do your own research. Let me know what you find. Make up your own mind.

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I just want to share my experience because I believe cannabis has some amazing health benefits and I want to spread the word.

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My mom is getting older and is totally susceptible to this. I've been trying to teach her about neuroplacisity, which is the concept that the brain can recover and rejuvenate from many things, but it must be exercised like anything else. To "exercise" the brain, you must engage in something very mentally challenging. You must find it difficult, like when learning a new skill. It's not enough to simply concentrate, or to learn passively. You must be actively, mentally engaged and it must be challenging and difficult. It must be something you have to try over and over to get right. Video games are perfect for this, but I can't seem to get my Mom to believe video games are good for her.

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I absolutely agree. She would love them. You just have to find the one game she loves and then she won't stop playing it. Lol