Tourism as a concept must be deepened. It is hard to believe that Venezuelans are receptive to developing a Tourism, as in other countries. Each country shaped significantly by nature, development and social culture. In a pragmatic and specific way, Tourism develops by knowing and appreciating natural beauty and complementing it with enjoyment. This implies, the imperative need to develop structures and infrastructures, that support the assistance of a large number of people and that highlight the name of the Venezuelan, for the treatment, for creating facilities of healthy enjoyment and for satisfaction needs as a people, and in Balance; that is known by the Venezuelans and by the inhabitants of other countries, who appreciate the origin and development of the people. As an environment, that facilitates the adaptation of the tourist, as if he were at home.
It can be inferred that El Turismo is one of the most effective tools to implement and promote a collective formation, it is imperative: in health, treatment of wastewater, environmental control, income strategies that do not generate unhealthy feelings, personal security, good constructions that exacerbate the gentile and the positive criticisms ascentrales, posadas that incentive the permanence for more time and areas of cultural interchange, practiced with example and efficiency. Where Tourism increases, with a clear future vision. Promote and encourage tourism in schools, high schools, universities and industries, to ensure a continuous focus, to avoid high costs in services.
In short, a tourism that begins with the training of public service of the residents of the tourist areas is required, reinforcing the sense of pertinence and self-esteem. That is able to offer the best within the possibilities, starting with an internal tourism, to correct failures. Starting with improvised external tourism, there is a risk that it will be transformed initially into a boom, then falling to levels that present greater difficulties than the present, projecting an image of organizational incapacity to achieve commendable development commitments. And therefore the nearby cities, the development of structures and infrastructures to support the strengthening of tourist areas and not vice versa.