[보팅이벤트][영어패턴훈련] 179.I think you must have the wrong number/전화 잘못 거신 것 같네요.

in busy •  6 years ago 


댓글시간 명령어로 주사위 숫자 최상위 2분께 풀보팅 드리겠습니다. 완전 램덤이죠..
보팅을 강요하는 것도 없고.. 그냥 즐기시면 되겠습니다. ^___^

[영어패턴훈련] 500개 문장 원어민 처럼 말하기 도전합니다.
오늘의 표현은 179. You must have p.p. 네가 ~했음에 틀림없어 입니다.

You must have really freaked out!/정말로 놀랐겠군요!

You must have paid a fortune for it./돈 좀 들었겠다.

You must have been really busy/굉장히 바쁘셨겠네요?

You must have felt very anxious./좀 걱정하셨겠어요

How you must have hated me!/필시 나를 미워했겠지!

You must have been really horrified!/정말 끔찍한 순간이었겠다!

You must have been really passionate./굉장히 정열적이셨나봐요.

I think you must have the wrong number/전화 잘못 거신 것 같네요.

You must have saved quite a bit of money. /돈을 꽤 많이 모으셨나봐요.

Wow, you must have worked really hard./와, 너 정말 열심히 일했나 보다.

You must have missed the announcements./안내 방송을 못 들으셨나보군요.

You must have heard about haggling for prices? /물건 값 흥정하는 것 들었겠구나?

You must have a personal interview with him./직접 본인을 만나 보지 않으면 안 된다

You must have spent the entire afternoon in the garden!/오후 내내 정원에 계셨겠군요.

You must have quit when you were young./아주 젊었을 때 담배를 끊으셨나 보군요.

You must have really painful memories./정말 고통스러운 기억이 있으신 모양이네요.

You must have forgotten about our meeting. /넌 우리 모임을 잊고 있었던 게 분명해.

You dialed correctly, but you must have the wrong number./번호는 맞는데 전화 잘못 거셨어요.

You must have been quite a prankster when you were young./자넨 어렸을 때 정말 개구쟁이였겠어.

You must have me mixed up with someone else./당신은 나를 다른 사람과 혼동하고 있는 것 같네요.

You must have nerves of steel to climb up the tall cliff. /그 높은 절벽을 오르다니 너도 대단한 강심장임에 틀림없어.

여기까지 입니다.

[이건 광고]
자신의 보팅 파월 임대해주는 방법

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I think you must have wrong number.

I think you must have the wrong number.

You must have been really busy.

Wow, you must have worked really hard.

이오스 계정이 없다면 마나마인에서 만든 계정생성툴을 사용해보는건 어떨까요?