Egg or Chicken First

in busy •  7 years ago 


we must have with the pedenya argue first what chicken or egg. Without us knowing, the debate is just a waste of time because so far no one can deliver the scientific basis.

At first we consider this question to be just a discussion of jokes to make us scientifically "smart", but it all changes when Stephen Hawking, one of the highest IQs in the world, begins to take the chicken and eggs more seriously. Stephen Hawking says that the first one is the egg. Everyone then believed him just because he was considered smart, but was Hawking's conclusion correct?

Stephen Hawking's answer about the egg first was WRONG! The truth is the chicken first.

In the summer of 2010, British researchers cracked chicken eggs until they found that the protein needed to form the eggshell was exclusively found ONLY in the ovaries of chickens. So easily concluded that the chicken is first, because egg shells can not be made without the protein.

Then where did the chicken come from? Whatever the name of the ancient species, the chicken has evolved into its present form.

Eggs require special proteins to form and this discovery leads to more useful findings for human life.

The ovocledidin-17 protein controls the crystallization process of the eggshell and without it, the shell will not form. The researchers are just trying to cool the debate between Hawking and most other researchers. Precisely with this simple question is able to make the researchers find amazing ways that can be applied to everyday life. As well as more to strengthen the synthetic bone or stop the impact of global warming. Huh, from the scientific workings of egg shells can stop the impact of global warming? How come?

Chocolate eggshell crystallization work system that can be applied to overcome pollution and other global warming impact.

One of the newest ways by researchers to combat global warming is by capturing all excess carbon dioxide discharged by motor vehicles or various cosmetic spray products. Once captured then collected until it can be tried to be formed into a flat screen TV.

Given that the proteins that make up the eggshell can help us crystallize carbon dioxide into limestone, so it can be put as an environmental decorator. After all the rocks that are laid out just as decorators will not harm the environment, can even be used to build an infrastructure.

So from any simple question: first where the egg or chicken, can even bring the world to a better direction. Simple questions sometimes keep an amazing natural secret answer. So do not ever underestimate the life questions that seem trivial. Each question must have an answer, depending on us who try to answer it with sincerity

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