The Traditionally Popcorn Sellers, Streetphotography.

in busy •  6 years ago 

Dear steemian friends..


Popcorn, of course you are no stranger to the snacks made from the corn, and in my opinion, almost every country knows Popcorn and has enjoyed it while relaxing. The people of Aceh, Indonesia are also certainly familiar with this one snack, long before Popcorn was known in the modern era, this snack is known as the "Jagong Tum" in My area, the sound of a loud boom from the traditionally popcorn machines that makes its name known by the term . This time I will share some of the traditional popcorn seller photography in the streetphotography theme, hopefully my steemian friends would love it.

Popcorn, tentu saja anda tidak asing lagi dengan cemilan yang terbuat dari jagung ini, dan hemat saya, hampir disetiap negara mengenal berondong jagung dan pernah menikmatinya sambil bersantai. Masyarakat Aceh, Indonesia juga tidak asing lagi pastinya dengan cemilan yang satu ini, jauh sebelum Popcorn dikenal di era modern, cemilan ini dikenal dengan istilah "jagung tum", suara dentuman keras dari mesin berondong jagung secara tradisional inilah yang menjadikan namanya dikenal dengan istilah tersebut. Kali ini saya akan membagikan beberapa photography penjual berondong jagung secara tradisional dalam tema streetphotography, semoga teman steemian menyukainya.








Photos taken by Xiaomi Redmi Note 4
Aceh -Indonesia


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never knew it was made that way!

Yup, Its in my area, and still have untill now, although not so many than modern way :)

Bertohh jagong nyan meunyoe kamoe kheun, Bang @dilimunanzar.. 😂

Gerthum Jagong :D

Daerah saya dinamakan tukang TUUM bg, pada saat memasuki pedesaan tukang TUUM tersebut akan dikelilingi warga untuk mengantri peubeureutoh breh atawa jagong yg mereka bawa..

Beliau salah satu rival saya, ketika saya sedang berjualan petasan di pedalaman :D