An Open Letter To Women

in busy •  7 years ago 

So just let me say something. I love women to a completely sexist degree.

If you're a girl, or you would respond to "she", and you're feeling alone, or unpretty, or uncool, or in some way just not enough ... To the girl who's crying her way to sleep, the girl who thinks that last calorie will make her unsexy, the girl who's just trying to get by and Terrified to lose what bits of a life she's tried to piece together ... to the girl who feels like this is the last straw and it's already broken ... to the girl who feels Alone, Unwanted, Invisible ...however you may be feeling, let me tell you a bit of a secret, a thing insecurity keeps a man from saying honestly, though I have heard some try to. This is it:

Figure out a man's life. What's it for? It's not really for anything, if not to witness the perfect creation of utter beauty that is Woman. And I believe God created Man to witness his creation ...

Women are the epitome. And the only among us capable of creation, themselves.

Crying girl; I cry with you. Unpretty girl; I promise you're Beautiful. Anxiety girl; I'm sorry I'll make it worse but I want so much for you. Broken girl; your pieces are beautiful, and your whole is reflected in each. Lonely girl; You are never going to be truly alone, in this sea of lonely. Unwanted girl - I want you, passionately. Invisible girl; I watch you.

I love you, all.
If you think I don't mean you ... I mean Especially You.
Somebody loves you;
even if
it's only Me.

#nationalwomensday #celebrateyourwomen #godsgift

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