Artistic Lamp-StreetlampSunday-SevenDayOutside Challenge

in busy •  7 years ago  (edited)

get out of the house if you want to get amazing surprises in your life. You can hone your hobby and be able to do a happy introduction through photos.
this time I met a photo that looked graceful when I was about to enter the road to the house, I didn't miss this poetic moment and I immediately took the picture and introduced it to all of my fellow steemians.
I joined the photo I took using a flash cellphone in a streetlampsunday contest held by @erikah, hopefully your days will be fun and you will have more ideas to produce creative work or posts.

this lamp will be very beautiful at night, unfortunately I take pictures during the day and this is the picture,
This post participate in the “sevendayoutside challenge” organised by @erikah in the theme : #streetlampsunday
Thanks for organising this challenging challenge 😉

The different daily themes are:

Monday: WindowMonday
Tuesday: DoorTuesday
Thursday: GateThursday
Friday: StatueFriday
Saturday: BrickSaturday
Sunday: StreetlampSunday

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Dari postingan ini saya belajar bagaimana seseorang terus berproses untuk tetap istiqamah dalam berkarya. #StreetlampSunday sangat bermakna karena disertai foto bendera merah putih sebagai bentuk syukur bahwa kemerdekaan benar-benar ada

Unfortunately your photo does not qualify, this is an inside lamp, not a street lamp. Please remove the tags and the reference to my challenge!

@erikah i hope to you be happy this is my entry in your challenge this day, i take it by my handphone flash