in busy •  6 years ago  (edited)

The bible says God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. Gratitude day challenge has humbled me in a way I cannot express.

Things have happened in my life since I started this challenge that tells it could only be but the mighty hand of God at work.

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I am someone that tries as much as I can, with the best of my ability to practice what I preach. It is difficult sometimes but I remind myself that there is one who always has His eyes on me.

He will not allow me to surfer unjustly nor dash my foot against a stone. His angels keep watch over me 24/7.

When there was no reason to go on, I remembered this phrase

In everything give thanks.

It wells up strength in me to say the least and be grateful for all that I am, I have and will give.

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Gratitudeday challenge is like thanksgiving day everyday for me.

A grateful heart does not complain

A grateful heart is joyous

A grateful heart is at peace

A grateful heart loves

A grateful heart gives.

A grateful heart receives more

These have taken place in my life since I became concious of being grateful. Living in the atmosphere of gratitude. I started out with the intention of winning a prize but along the line, it started giving meanings to the things I do. My gratitude became genuine and real.
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I say a very big thank you to @tojukaka for comming up with this idea of gratitudeday challenge. You will only go upward and forward in life.

I am glad I made it thus far and to others participating, I say a big congratulations.

In everything give thanks.

I am @gloeze and I am grateful.

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