Public lecture on 'Democracy and Development' at BRAC University 10P45.19-G

in busy •  7 years ago 

(33.65) Public lecture on 'Democracy and Development' at BRAC University

It is important to give a choice after a certain time but it is not enough to make democracy effective, meaningful and convincing. The democratic system is an institutional framework where people can express their feelings without any hesitation and the government will take all decisions keeping in mind the people. The democratic system that we want for sustainable development. Development of passing democracy does not last long.

ব্র্যাক বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে ‘গণতন্ত্র এবং উন্নয়ন’ শীর্ষক পাবলিক লেকচার.JPG

Professor Siddiqur Rahman Osmani, professor of development economics at University of Ulster University of the United Kingdom, has thus declared democracy in public lectures titled 'Democracy and Development' at BRAC University.

The economist said that democracy is a part of development. So the question of democracy for the sake of development does not come in question. BRAC University's Economic and Social Science Division organized this public lecture on 18th July, at BRAC Center, Mohakhali.

Dr. In his public lecture, Osmani talked about different types of state politics, where he highlighted the difference between the democratic system with autocratic rule. Dr. Osmani said, "The autocratic regime is quick to develop, easy to make decisions, people have to pay less. But development means freedom of expression, political and civil rights.

Teachers and students of different departments of BRAC University participated in this event.

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