Just Keep Making An Original Post, Even Nobody Care About You

in busy •  7 years ago 

My Original Drawing

Note: My apologies for my mistake words and grammar, I am not a native speaker.

Steemit is a mini model of our daily life

Anyone who has been joining steemit for three or six months, will realize that steemit is similar to our daily life. In steemit we will know about determine of class such as planktons, minnows, dolphins, orcas and whales.

Each class has own characteristic, for minnows and planktons often try to get attention from dolphins, orcas and whales. On the contrary hand, mostly dolphins, orcas and whales only associates with their own communities or guild.

On another side, there are many steemians only associate or make interaction only with the same interest or profession, such as writer only associate with writer, artist with artist, journalist with journalist, and programmer with programmer. Sometimes some steemians only interact among steemians who has same region or country and own their guild or community.

This is a normal, do not get upset when you are not getting attention on some stemians. Just try to get another steemians who has same interest and thinking with you.

Just go on, do not stop

sin prisa pero sin pausa, that is a Spanish proverb and is meant, it's an expression meaning you do something without being in a hurry but without stopping. Just keep going on and try to make original post, do not afraid of the result, as long as your post does not hurt someone or people just make it. Even when you do not get attention, just post it, give appreciation to steemians who give vote and comment on your post. Do not afraid because you are only ordinary people in daily life. In steemit you can develop your ability by interacting and communicating with steemian who give attention to you. Learn from other and give support to others steemian, do not look their country, region, career background, guild or community. Just communicate with them, when you do not get attention from them just look for another steemian who care about you. Do not worry you will find them, and also try to be humble and care to other steemian. Please do not be a person who only has primordialism thinking, just be universal person. You will find that many steemians will come to you, as Confucius said, "People from four directions of wolrd will come to you".(hpx)

Intisari artikel dalam Bahasa Indonesia

Steemit adalah model mini dunia kehidupan sehari-hari, ada pembagian kelas dalam steemit seperti : plankton, ikan kecil, lumba-lumba, orca dan paus. Biasanya plankton dan ikan kecil mencoba mencari perhatian para lumba-lumba, orca dan paus, sedangkan mereka biasanya hanya bergaul dengan sesamanya, sesama komunitasnya. Akan tetapi janganlah bersedih tetaplah mencoba melakukan komunikasi dengan cara memberikan vote dan komentar.

Selain itu cobalah menghargai para steemian yang telah memberikan vote dan komentar pada postingan kita. Pelan tapi pasti, nanti akan datang masanya postingan kita akan mendapatkan perhatian dari steemian lainnya. Lakukan komunikasi tanpa memandang negara, daerah dan komunitas, buatlah postingan yang original jangan takut akan hasilnya selama postingan kita tidak merugikan orang lain, nanti akan terasa hasilnya.(hpx)

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Betul om, coba lihat gambar bebek hampir sama dengan karakter photo dibawah , tapi menurut saya biasakan sebelum komentar di vote dlu om, itu lebih menghargai, dan pasti kita mendapatkan nilai lebih dari mereka.
Perfect om gambar dan maknanya nya sang terinspirasi.


betuul :)

I really love the message of your post.
You are right, "just go on, do not stop".

It's hard to find someone who will notice you (specially for newbies like me), but this should not stop us from keeping the fight.

yes, sin prisas pero sin pausas, just keep move even we get a little achievement. I wil try to support you the best I can

I am very grateful for all the things that you've done not only for me but to everyone.
May the God bless your kindness. :)

Thank you, I will wait your new post :)

Terimakasih atas sheringnya, sehingga saya bisa tau lebih banyak, walaupun postingan saya masih biasa biasa saja

nggak apa2, walau biasa saja tapi yang penting dari original pemikiran sendiri atau kalau mengambil dari orang lain masih bisa menyertakan sumbernya.. siip :)

Sangat-sangat setuju seperti pendapat mas @happyphoenix.
Karena pada saat saya belajar dari mas dulunya, saya juga selalu mas yang ingatin yang akan demikian, Alhdm..sekarang walau kadang harus via boot, saya dapatkan hasil yang memuaskan😂😂

ha..ha.. nggak apa2 kadang sesekali kita menghibur diri pakai boot, itulah seninya di steemit. Asal postingan kita nggak merugikan orang lain dan original. Asal pakai bootnya nggak berlebihan sih nggak masalah. Kadang saya melihat malah ada postingan yang pakai lebih dari 3 boot... busyet...ha..ha..! :D

Kami Sebagai ikan Kecil Tepap Berusaha sekuat Apapun dalam Tata cara berinteraksi dalam Steemit, dan dengan Semaksimal Mungkin Kita Harus Mengutamakan Kesabaran dalam mencapainya Sebuah Kesuksesan. Terimakasih @happyphoenix Telah Mau Berbagi Info yang berguna ini.

Betul salah satu kunci sukses di steemit adalah kesabaran.. siip :)

Ya Terimakasih atas prihatinnya dan saya Bersyukur...

@happyphoenik,saya masih belajar tolong bimbingan.

sama-sama mari kita belajar bersama

Terimakasih ilmunya @happyphoenix. Saya sangat menghormati seorang guru, walau hanya satu ayat

sama-sama, saya juga berterima kasih :)

Saya sangat setuju dengan anda dan saya selalu mencoba terus membuat karya-karya photo original saya, dan meski hal utama dalam steemit namun dollar tidak bisa mengukur baik tidak nya postingan seseorang.
Anda adalah terbaik...
Bravo brother

betul, saya setuju yang penting tetap berkarya dengan karya original kita, :)

Anda benar, Saya sudah mencoba Seperti apa yang anda jelaskan Saya yakin suatu hari nanti pasti akan ada hasilnya. Terimakasih teman. Izinkan saya memanggil anda teman

terima kasih kawan semoga harapannya terwujud :)

Thank you @happyphoenix for the very right words.

you are welcome :)

Terimakasih atas sharingnya.

Salam hangat selalu

sama-sama, salam juga :)

It's a special pleasure to communicate with your peers)). You say the right words, @happyphoenix! I wish that many people listened to them.

Thank you, I hope many of newcomer will be welcome so they can stay longer in steemit platform :)

Anda benar sekali, memang begitulah kenyataan junior berteman sama junior dan senior sama senior, saya salut sama anda yg memperhatikan kami yg masih kecil-kecil ini,.

Salam sukses selalu

terima kasih, semoga kita bisa saling berkomunikasi tanpa membedakan status di steemit :)

Pinguin berbicara hehehe

bua..ha..ha.. iya..ya :D

😂 Ternyata apa yang kami rasakan telah terfikirkan sebelumnya oleh anda sebagai kurator. Namum kami akan selalu belajar agar menjadi yang terbaik di steemit.
Terima kasih saudara @happyphoenix.

terima kasih kembali, mari kita berkarya dengan sebaik-baiknya :)

Terima kasih @happyphoenix , semoga semangat selalu ada untuk kami yang masih seperti plankton. Mohon bimbingan dari anda @happyphoenix.

sama-sama mari kita belajar bersama :)

Lukisan yang sangat bagus pingguin lagi bermain diatas salju @happyphoenix

terima kasih :)

Mantap,,,lanjut terus

siiap :)

"Learn from other and give support to others steemian, do not look their country, region, career background, guild or community. Just communicate with them... " I really love this, as someone just finding my feet in steem. I really liked your effort with English and the bilingual approach, and I say that also as someone who is not a native speaker. :)

Thank you for your kindly support :)

Terima kasih banyak bang @happyphoenix atas postingannya sungguh luar biasa,, 👍

Terima kasih

interesting, funny drawings

Thank you :)

Thank you very much for your post. For us, beginners, not native speakers, this is strong support. From your words comes warmth, caring, kindness. Such people as you, give the power to go only forward and do not stop! May God protect you!

Thanks, let's keep going on and make communication also grow together

I'm all for it!

Gambarnya keren.. Dicuekin.. Cuek bebek

Ha...ha.. :D