Everyone wants to stay fit and fit. But no one wants to exercise or diet. Is it possible to lose weight? Certainly possible That's why a Japanese method to follow.
Following 'Japanese Long Breath Diet' is easy to lose weight easily. The procedure is called diet, but there is no relation to food. The whole thing is actually breathing exercises. After breathing in three seconds, the wind will be exhaled by seven seconds. And this work will only be done twice a day.
When oxygen is taken through the breath, oxygen is attached to fat cells and breaks them into carbon and water. As a result, carbon dioxide emits with respiration. As the oxygen is taken, the calorie burns during breathing. This method not only reduces weight, but also strengthens the muscles of the body and increases metabolism.
A study of the British Medical Journal published in 2014 found that this method can reduce the fat by half a pound a day.
Japanese actor Miki Yousuki said that through this exercise, he reduced the weight of 30 pounds and reduced his fat by five inches in just a few weeks.