So today, I ended up making a new pair of blue light blocking glasses.
Don't go there now but they are at the end of the post:)
I'm spending a lot of time on this platform and...well, it's not good for my eyes!
So I had to make those new glasses out of my old broken ones and a new pair of frames I got from #DOLLARAMA (they stock #TOPSHELF Nova Scotian fish products from #brunswick for half the price you get the same EXACT one at Loblaws (large grocery chain..not sure if its just Canada)
See, I do #biohacking as a lifestyle.
A real one.
Experimenting over time with everything from nutrition to infrared light and how it effects me on a daily, weekly, monthly and LIFEtime basis.
Regular Bloodwork - check - edit the next morning - the most indispensable blood test a person can get is: HS-CRP
Don't be fooled by your doctor. He/she may not even know about the "HS" crp as most only do the old "CRP".
Inflammation is THE KEY indicator of how well your mitochondria are doing.
Trust me, I know MITOMAN!
Yes, he is the champion of #mitochondriacs everywhere! He is under development by one of my good friends that I met while I was in "drug rehab" or "recovery" as it is loosely referred to here in Toronto.
Constant striving to be better version of myself - check
Its taken me 10 years to get well enough to be consistent enough/clean and able to do this.
Resilience meter -
Ok, that one is important, because?
It's in the whitepaper for steemit.
I believe it says something like - "its made for consistent and steady use...and eventually, you will succeed."
Or something along those lines :)
So, now I will get to the reason that I am posting today: and its all related see?
NO, I will not be posting #ReasonsILoveSteemit_Busy all the time on some schedule...thats what I'm like.
Random but with several steady streams of consistency that never waver:)
You will see silly stuff along with the serious and I am prone to sarcasm.
Working on Sarcasm - chECK.
Todays Reason:
BUSY/steemit (lets call it #beemit for short?) Gets me interested (addicted?) in many different ways.
I get rewarded for participating in Discussion.
I want to get rewarded for Discussion!
By REAL people!
OK, so THAT happened 19.
I also like gadgets and stuff.
So, bots that come by and tell me I have an awards board somewhere?
Dopamine (dope-a-meen) is your "feel makes you want to do stuff AGAIN!
The People here are all engaging and friendly (you can tell who has bots commenting for them immediately and that might call for "mute" to be put on if that's all the "content" they provide.
I'm still learning and this is a platform that I can see totally morphing over time.
I forget who wrote the article (#idea - can we get a way to catalogue and curate our own posts in meaningful way? Quora sucked totally in this would get converts) but there was a video embedded of a chinese social media-gps-orderout-taxi-tipping-google-steem-fitness-bonanza-kinda APP! and basically, they never left that one app because it had everything in one spot.
One-click-Tax module included?
I would love to see this become that platform:)
Anyway! It's been an awesome #WHALE of a time today.
oh yeah!
Can we get a vote on how many people would like this to all be set with the vote button UNchecked? :)
@rodb I am seeing if this works....
Go and check out the link if you want the rest! :) #yourwelcome #therock #can #sing #moana
A setting I found while I was following the directions and then #ADD got me!
Made my new folder on desktop....
Went to UPVOTE it...and...I already had!!! Thanks again!
#doyouknowhowlongIgotdistractedfor ?????!!!!
ok, now I will go and see if I can finish doing that whole gif thing...
For those that kept reading...I am a former COMPETITIVE bodybuilder. #bodybuildingisdead I met Rich once in passing at my one and only visit to the "mecca" of bodybuilding - Venice California. No wonder he was famous. Super friendly and huge smile for you. #innerdemonscanbehidden #beautifulsoul #RIP
A video i made when I was first checking out steemit! I even go off on a #steemtangent
CF - 2017 - nope
[/img] (HAH!)
Imgur - nope
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