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Outsourcing Your Life
Avoid The Pitfalls Of Poor Outsourcing Practices And Maximize
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Table Of Contents
Chapter 1:
Intro To Outsourcing
Chapter 2:
Learn How To Use Freelance Sites Like Elance
Chapter 3:
The Importance Of Seeking Value Over Price When You Can
Chapter 4:
Make Sure To Qualify The Person You’re Sending Work To
Chapter 5:
Choose Projects To Outsource Carefully
Chapter 6:
Make Sure The Project Specs Are Defined And Understood
Chapter 7:
Keep Good Lines Of Communication Open
Chapter 8:
Check Project Progress Regularly
Chapter 9:
Make Sure To Provide Helpful Feedback
Chapter 10:
The Dangers Of Not Understanding How To Outsource Correctly
Wrapping Up
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Outsourcing is really catching on as a popular tool to use when time
and manpower is a problem within a particular group, work
environment, or company. There are ways in this book for you to
learn how to be a master outsourcer.
Outsourcing Your Life
Avoid The Pitfalls Of Poor Outsourcing Practices And Maximize
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Chapter 1:
Intro To Outsourcing
Basically outsourcing is the use of outside sources to get particular
aspects of a job done within a certain time frame. Though these jobs
are normally handled within the company frame, however due to
various reasons the option of out sourcing is sought. Jobs like call
centre services, email services, payroll services and others are the
most popular for out sourcing.
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What Is It
One of the most popular reasons companies use out sourcing facilities
is because the cost incurred is much less if compared to actually
having to hire in house.
When out sourcing services are used the company can avoid paying
other costs like overtime, salaries, medical benefits and others. The
out sourcing cost is done at one specific fee without any other
expenses incurred.
Out sourcing also allows a company to stay focused on their core
business without having to oversee other aspects of their business.
This is left to the professional services of an out sourcing company.
Therefore the resources of the company can now be fully utilized for
the enhancement of its core business.
Another advantage of out sourcing is that if and when a company
decides to expand into other countries, the foundations that are
required to be established and implemented can be done throughout
This is wise as a good outsourcing company will have the necessary
infra structure to get the relevant tasks done. Also most out sourcing
companies have the resources and business needs to merit monetary
investments for certain tools that are needed for its particular service.
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Most companies today find this arrangement easy and fuss free not to
mention cost effective, thus the emerging popularity of out sourcing.
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Chapter 2:
Learn How To Use Freelance Sites Like Elance
In recent years there is a significant increase in out sourcing
companies emerging around the world. The demand for the services
of such companies is rising and fast. The services provided by out
sourcing companies are becoming somewhat of a necessity and a
popular option available today.
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Freelance Sites
There are several out sourcing companies which build their client
portfolios based on their significant success rate and the satisfaction
of their customers. One such company is Elance.
This company provides the necessary services that allow companies
to facilitate posting of projects, assessing the bidders, reviewing the
qualification, ratings, portfolios, and skills. As the onetime fee
charged for this service is very low, companies are more than happy
to use this as a tool to get on with other more pressing matter that
require the bulk of their time and effort.
Some of the services provided by the out sourcing companies include
web development, programming, creative design, multimedia
production, writing, search engine optimization, content translations
and research.
Using out sourcing services also allows a company to use all the
business tools available but on an online platform rather than having
to provide onsite facilities.
Outsourcing services also provide a wider and more interchangeable
way of getting the job done. Time lines are also strictly followed as
these out sourcing companies depend heavily on their reputations to
ensure they stay in business. Therefore the check and balance style is
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very much the business style. This then creates the opportunity for
the customers to be able to view the work in progress and on demand.
There is also no need to have permanent staff which incurs
unnecessary costs, especially when the work load style is seasonal.
Using the out sourcing services almost always lessens the burden on
the company to provide the frame work that may not always be
utilized to its optimum.
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Chapter 3:
The Importance Of Seeking Value Over Price When You
Cost is always an important factor in any scenario, be it on a personal
level or on a much bigger platform. Being cost effective is very
important to the progress and success of a company. When the issue
of cost is considered, it is not always prudent or wise to go for the
cheapest option.
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There are several reasons as to why it is sometime wiser to go for the
more expensive option. Going cheap is not always wise because in
most cases, one gets the services and quality one pays for. Therefore
opting for the cheapest pick can mean substandard and unreliable
quality and delivery.
There are some things that are simply worth paying for, as the high
cost ensures the quality and service is always at its best. Paying more
and getting the best is definitely worth the cost especially when
reputations, businesses, and quality standards are all on the line.
People should be made aware of the fact that good services and
quality come at a price.
It may not always be so, but most time when something is termed
expensive it is more than likely worth the price. Professionalism
comes at a cost, therefore when deciding on a company to outsource
work to the integrity and reputation of the company is often
scrutinized thoroughly before a commitment is made.
Companies often charge according to their merits and if their skills
and services are above reproach, most customers will not begrudge
the expensive price tag because they are confident in the services paid
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Also with making the choice of value over price, there is an assurance
of peace of mind in knowing that the cost incurred is well worth it.
Peace of mind for most is priceless and if it can be satisfactorily
provided for, no cost is too much.
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Chapter 4:
Make Sure To Qualify The Person You’re Sending Work To
As more and more companies are choosing to outsource the bulk of
what they consider time consuming or unnecessary use of resources,
there are quite a few elements to consider.
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Can They Do It
The first of course is the fact that it is a cheaper option than to hire in
house staff which would in turn incur a lot of hidden costs. However
in using the out sourcing option one must consider carefully the set
back that might occur should a wrong choice be made in terms of the
out sourcing company chosen.
Ensuring the expertise of the chosen out sourcing company is very
important and the first of many steps to consider. The talent and
technological skills of the out sourcing company must match the
requirements of the “customer.”
Trying the various out sourcing companies until a suitable match is
found is normally practiced. When an out sourcing company is
chosen based on its merits and reputation, further enquiries must be
made to ascertain if the company is capable of handling the specific
work required of it.
If this is not clearly out lined there is a danger to having to either re
outsource the work at considerable cost and loss of time or to have a
new out sourcing company chosen.
Sometimes besides the more obvious requirements, there can be
some other items that need to be explored before making a
commitment to outsource the work to a chosen company. Some
companies may require the flexibility of the hiring exercise to be
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clearly stated and understood by both parties. Hiring specialist
without having to keep them on a retainer is especially good for
companies that don’t have consistent business to outsource.
Therefore it is of upmost importance to ensure both parties’ needs are
adequately met before the out sourcing work is awarded.
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Chapter 5:
Choose Projects To Outsource Carefully
Simply deciding to outsource anything and everything to another
company can prove to be quite a foolish decision to make. Besides the
obvious reasons like cost and time lines there are also some other
more sensitive issues that should be addressed when deciding to
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Pick Carefully
One particular issue to consider is the sensitivity of the material given
for out sourcing. If the contents of the out sourcing material is leaked
to a competitor of the customer that a lot of serious damage can occur
in terms of loss of business or sometimes even business secrets.
The ethical standards of an out sourcing company would have to be
closely scrutinized if there is a need to outsource sensitive material.
There has to be some sort of confidentially clause that ties the out
sourcing company to be held responsible for any information
divulged to other sources.
Unfortunately today’s business world practices are not very ethical or
straight forward, thus the need to be extremely discerning when
choosing the out sourcing company. The employees of the out
sourcing company must be duty bound to keep all information
Some projects don’t require much thought when deciding to use the
services of an out sourcing company, while there are some project
that do, especially when it involves new inventions, new innovative
ideas, new product launches, new designs, new systems and many
more. All these are highly sensitive and cost conscious and if this
information falls into the wrong hands the damage done can be
monumental and irreversible.
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There are also some projects that require the highest level of
technically sound understanding. If the decision to outsource is made
then this information must be first explained and understood before
the work is awarded. This needs to be done to ensure the time lines
tagged to the exercise is not delayed or worse still to find at the end of
a given time frame the out sourced company did not complete the
task awarded accurately and on time.
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Chapter 6:
Make Sure The Project Specs Are Defined And Understood
When an out sourcing company is hired to perform a specific exercise
or task, there need to be clear understanding on both sides as to the
expectations and material involved. A lot of future problems can be
avoided if this is made clear from the onset of the partnership,
because in effect it is a partnership of sorts.
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Putting It To Work
Being as clear as possible to what is expected in terms of
accomplishments is necessary and important. It would be prudent to
take the time to communicate the projects at hand and further ensure
the essence of the intended project is clearly understood.
Expectations, fees incurred and time lines should be all clearly
addressed and agreed upon before a partnership is formed. The talent
used by the out sourcing company must be up to the requirements of
the customer as each project specs can differ greatly thus the need to
have a very diversified group of people available for each project at
any given time.
If the project specs require a lot of technical understanding then the
relevant out sourcing company has to be sought. A thorough
discussion on the expectation for either party must be clearly defined
and agreed upon. It would be a tremendous waste of resources and
valuable time if the end product does not match the requirements of
the customer. This can not only cause the progress of the hiring
company to stall but could also end up causing other negative
repercussion like loss of huge market shares of a potential customer
All these are important as the exercise of out sourcing is no longer
just about cutting cost but is also about how to get things done more
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efficiently, quickly and competitively to ensure a larger share of the
customer percentage.
Chapter 7:
Keep Good Lies Of Communication Open
Strong communication is the key to keeping the relationship between
the out sourcing company and its customer comfortable and
beneficial to both parties. If there is a good line of communication
established between the two entities then and only then will the
partnership be a successful one.
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When there is a good open line of communication established, both
parties can avoid any unnecessary setbacks as constant enquiries can
be made on the various aspects and progress of the task at hand.
Direct reports and check and balance systems can be firmly
established without having to go through a lot of “red tape” that cause
unnecessary delays and frustrations.
The key to keeping both parties from being unduly anxious is to
establish a good open communication line between the two. This also
helps to contribute to the building of trust towards both parties.
The line of open communication must also consist of both parties
being able to be good listeners as well as communicators. This will
prove to be valuable in understanding the requirements and working
towards the needs of the customer to ensure the end product is
satisfactorily achieved.
With the establishment of good communication between the two
parties, there hence creates the opportunities for honest
communication and the exchange of ideas. This added source of
positive input could also help to further contribute to the success of
the project and partnership.
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As most out sourcing companies are quite well informed in their
various fields, they could also assist the customer with suggesting
various innovative ideas that would benefit and perhaps enhance the
customers business further.
As communication has always been known to be the weakest part of
any organization or partnership, everyone involved should try to go
the extra mile in the effort to ensure all material communicated is
thoroughly understood and executed accordingly.
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Chapter 8:
Check Project Progress Regularly
Every project requires a lot of thought and processes to make it a
success. Some of these processes should include a good check and
balance system to ensure the success reached is definite.
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Check In
When the said project involves a few people the idea of checking up
on everyone frequently can be quite a hassle though very necessary.
Therefore it is wise to have a system in place that can keep and
coordinate all progress clearly and efficiently. These systems used
should be customized to meet the requirement of the project it is
Having a check and balance system in place also allows all those
connected to the project to be able to view its progress as a whole or
in individual sections. Viewing the individual sections is equally
important to ensure when all the various sections are combined there
will not be any problems it term of the overall results.
Frequent checks also ensure the relevant progress of each part or
section is kept to its time line and specific requirements. If at any
time either of these elements are not according to the fit of the entire
project then the necessary changes can be made. Hence there is no
need to worry about not arresting any particular problem in time and
certainly not having to cope with the negative “snowball” effect
caused by wrongly managed sections.
Regular checking exercises also help to boost the confident and
commitment levels of all those participating in the project. It keeps
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everyone in the “know or loop” and thus all participants will be weary
of not keeping up to their particular sections.
Another good reason to implement a good check and balance system
is to ensure the budgeting is kept to the original amount allotted. Any
over runs can be immediately identified and addressed. This will
ensure costs don’t escalate unnecessarily.
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Chapter 9:
Make Sure To Provide Helpful Feedback
Out sourcing company often help their client with useful information
that they think might help further enhance the efficiency of the
company project. The reason they are able to do this is because most
out sourcing companies specialize in their relevant fields and thus
have the necessary information and links that are always up to the
latest in the market.
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Be Helpful
Most times feedback is encouraged and even required to ensure the
best possible results are derived from any given endeavor. The
feedback whether helpful or not should encompass arrears like
progress, material, systems, information and many others.
The feedback can be made in the form of positive, negative, or neutral
ratings or comments which it centered on the project itself. Feedback
should not be on any other non relating elements as this would be a
waste of time and resources.
Helpful feedback is normally done with the inclusion of relative
points done in a simple and precise format. Upon reassessing the
given feedback information the client is able to assess the immediate
repercussion and direction of the project at hand.
Positive feedback can help the team working on the project to feed
that their contributions are well received and this will help to further
edify their commitment to the project at hand.
Besides the actual feedback which should be as factual as possible, the
out sourcing company can also be of even further assistance by
providing good and sound advice to their clients.
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Again this is helpful to the client who may not be very well equipped
in the present chosen endeavor.
For the most part this helpful feedback is done without any fees
charged and so it works to the benefit of the client. In providing this
possible extra benefit the out sourcing company is also able to sow the
seeds of confidence in its capabilities in providing the best services
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Chapter 10:
The Dangers Of Not Understanding How To Outsource
There are several factors why most companies have decided to
outsource their work. Among the most prominent reasons are to cut
cost and to reduce the dependency on direct employment.
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What Can Happen
Understanding the fundamentals tagged to out sourcing is most
important to both the customer and the service provider. With the
current in sight and information available it is now easier to make a
more informed decision as to whether it is a suitable or viable option
to elect.
Unfortunately the majority of companies deciding to outsource the
bulk of their work load has been done with ill equipped information.
As stated the primary reason for out sourcing is to cut cost. However
a lot of companies have now found that though out sourcing may
contribute to cost cutting, it has also proven to be disadvantageous in
other ways. Most of the cost cutting has only short term benefits
which eventually contribute to long term problems. These problems
may include loss of control over the general business direction, initial
options chosen eventually found to be less than suitable, inflexible
circumstances are just a few initial problems encountered.
Perhaps the companies that are currently considering the out
sourcing option should be asking themselves some serious questions
regarding the motive of choosing this particular option.
Acknowledging the reasons for choosing out sourcing is a start to
understanding the motivation and wisdom or lack of it.
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Wrapping Up
The first thing to consider about outsourcing is whether this option is
chosen because the idea is to create a condition where the company
can concentrate on upgrading their commitments to their customers
or is it simply to lessen the current work load and which is intended
to create a more cost efficient circumstances. Another fact worth
considering is whether or not the out sourcing exercise will benefit in
a long term way rather than just short term.
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