How May We Help on Steem Today?

in busy •  7 years ago 

Our greatest power may be in what questions we ask because all of the answers we get in life are based on the questions we choose. As I went to write my daily post for Steem, the exact question I ask is "How may I help on Steem today" because I want these answers.

The challenge for some of us is that we often habitually ask questions and forget we have the power to choose which questions we ask. Many times on Steem I have asked "How can I earn the most rewards today" which tends to produce an entirely different set of answers from the "How may I help" line of questioning.

Here are a few examples of questions we often ask which tend to lead us into answers we do not like with alternatives that I have found more helpful!

Better Questions, Better Life!

  1. Instead of "What is wrong with me?" I ask "How am I feeling now?" and "What is going on here?"
  2. Instead of "How do I make more money?" I ask "How may I help more effectively?" and "What opportunities do I have to improve?" and "Where can I give back more?"
  3. Instead of "Why are these people doing this?" I ask "What can I learn from this?" and "What about their actions relates to my behavior?"
  4. Instead of "What should I do?" I ask "What would I LOVE to do?"
  5. Instead of "When will I get what I want?" I ask "How may I help today?"

Questions -> Answers -> Actions -> Feelings

Most important for me is the certainty that the questions I ask and the answers that follow lead me into actions that then have immediate feedback on how I feel. After many days unconsciously and automatically asking "how do I earn the most money today" I have learned that this leads me into actions that leave me feeling like I am not good enough and selfish.

When I ask questions founded upon making a contribution like "how may I help," the answers and actions tend to lead to good feelings of making a difference and being useful. At the same time, the rewards on a day to day basis for asking "how may I help" are often a lot lower in the short term while generally being unbelievably good in the long term when we include all forms of wealth from happiness to money to leisure time.

On Steem, many of the posts I have made which appear to have had highest impact in terms of people remembering them did not earn much in rewards compared to many of the top earners. Meanwhile, many of my "it seemed like a great idea at the time" plans for earning money not only did not work but led to a worse result than simply doing nothing at all.

Thank you very much for reading this quick post today which I hope was useful in making a real difference here and feeling hope for our future together!

Jerry Banfield


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Honestly speaking i am following jerry from his DASH journey . I loved the work you did for DASH , then felt a little bad switching into steem . But given the ability of platform and the scope to provide education in steem platforms are way more important than DASH(nothing wrong about DASH).

@jerrybanfield i learnt how to overcome dips (i bought more steem power ) . Thank you

Thank you very much @doctalk for your kind comment and I am glad that you like Steem more than Dash!

I see you have not voted for any witnesses at yet. Witness votes are the most important we make on Steem because witnesses create our blockchain in real time and are our chosen community leaders.

The easiest way to fully participate is to choose one person we trust as a "proxy" to make all of our witness votes for us. Will you please either add me to your witness votes or set me as a proxy at because this will empower you to indefinitely support me for witness and increase the funding for @budgets?

@jerrybanfield done witness vote for you. Happy to be able to assist.

Hello @jerrybanfield

Happy Easter to you and I trust you had a wonderful holidays.

When I ask questions founded upon making a contribution like "how may I help," the answers and actions tend to lead to good feelings of making a difference and being useful....

I agree with you on this. When a question is based on what one can contribute or render as a service to a cause, it gives a sense of satisfaction and you find out that the rewards are just as amazing. This is a great concept I have learned to adopt for greater good of things I believe in and it always pays off handsomely.

My regards to your family in this season of Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ🙏🙏

@eurogee of @euronation community

These are really important points. I've also found that so much of success and fulfillment in life comes down to asking the right questions.

When we ask the wrong question, we can't possibly find the right answer. What we want can elude us for years, indefinitely really, so long as we're asking the wrong questions.

A slight adjustment and whoosh! All we've been asking for can finally flow in. It's as if we finally aligned the channels.

One question I like to flip is, "What do I want out of this situation I'm going into?" (Which is a better question than just going in without clear intentions.) When I change that to, "What can I contribute to this situation?" it leads to incredible results. I mean even in the way other people behave. One might say there is no direct correlation between the question on my mind and the behavior of others, but it's too consistent a difference for there not to be.

Thank you for challenging us all to give more thought to the questions we're asking, instead of thinking that life is happening to us, not by us.

@indigoocean I appreciate you reading and helping me with the "What can I contribute to this situation?" which I will pray to remember!

If you appreciate it then would it not be appropriate to upvote @indigoocean? You say yourself in this post its about making money so maybe appreciate her wanting to do the same :)

I like the way you think 😀

It fun to point out contradictions hehe


I fucking congratulate you with this 60% Steem pump!

I know we have the same money-type. Basically a saver and an empire-builder. Basically we want to get a physical security from money, like never to be on the street and stuff. This pump is really making both of us happy.

Wonderful post!
This might really help people that don't know what they want and have problems deciding...

Well, you've become a good person indeed. We are so happy for empowering your thoughts in us and really helps us a lot. Thank you for this great information sir.

That's exactly what I've been asking and trying to find out here in steemit, and haven't gotten any help or answers to my question: how can I help?
For example: I just gave you an upvote. The value of this post didn't change. I'm disappointed - I thought I could help people like you with my upvote. So the question is: how exactly do I make my vote count? What steps do I take?
Example 2:
Yesterday I wrote a post titled "How Best to Share?"
Here is the text:
@wearechange can somebody clear me up on this. I watched Lukes great video about the Sinclair script, etc. on YouTube. Then of course I want to share it in steemit and, but I can't find it in steemit. Is it maybe because it's still being uploaded, it just takes longer? If I upload wearechange's video in, is that allowed? Do I have to get permission first? I just want to be able to share this important information the best ways possible.
The Tags: steemit dtube share
Well, at least it has 2 votes already, one of them being mine.
If I see people making good content and want to help spread the word, what do I do?
I'd appreciate some tips! Thanks!

Hi! Happy Easter!
I just made it to steemit and I quite don't understand some stuff.. I would appreciate any bit of advices.. Thank you.

Hello Jerry Thank you for being one of those who inspired me to be steemian through a video I saw
With the pacion and clarity you talk about Steem
Thank you Again

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

A different way of thinking is actually the only thing we have control on.

Stuff happens, its how your brain will WANT to respond to it in terms of how you reaction will be

you have given a good thought, this spirit that must be followed not give up behitu just we have to do and get up from silence to better

Congratulations excellent analysis, it is important to know who I am, what I want to do and what I should do.

Berehthat nyan aduen

Bereh hana ta tupue arti.hhahahhah... bereh-bereh @muksalmina

Most times we learn more by asking questions than answering. I couldn't agree more, asking the question of "how may I help?" may not always get us instant or immediate benefit but it will eventually provide a long term effect which surpasses the former.
Well done @jerrybanfield for this amazing piece

interesting post @jerrybanfield. I find it so hard to change my mindset especially these days after I had a heart attack. It sometimes feels like things are crowding me from a mental perspective. I try my best to turn things into more positives, but it is hard. The best I can manage at the moment is just trying to see my struggles in smaller pieces and tackling them one smaller piece at a time.
I suppose because so many of my choices don't seem to be my own anymore, that I just find things harder to be on top of.
Thank you for the food for thought though.

delegate part of your simtem power, will be more useful for the still weak,

Haan I like the 5the one on helping. Plan now is to change: Trying to understand what m doing here to helping others understand the worth of being here.

Great thought process!

Agreed doing something is better than not doing anything at all, so I'm plugging away trying to keep up with all these social media platforms, how does one keep up?

Feel like a sports,dance,homework,chef,housecleaner,school, mum trying to fit all these activities in one day (actually I am)😂 and then crashing out when I get home just to watch 5/10min of Steemit videos of people that make money by posting greatcontent

Thanks @jerrybanfield

For the inspiration I am reminded to strive for progress not perfection and that good things take time

#2 days on Steemit 🔥

esta muy bien , es la verdad

The thought of changing things for the better is a good one. Just like every minnow like me do ask, how can we make money through posting? And the answer we get is something different. Now we are looking at the direction, how can we make steemit better? I have realised not all questions needs an answer, with time you will figure it out yourself

You can't get an answer if you don't have a question!

Look man if you get an extra chromosome and die because of this meme I made, I am sorry and this is all Quiquog's fault.

Quiquog says hello (he told me to say that)

Yes, very helpful. It is true solving problems bringing solutions is behind long lasting successful business. He who solve the biggest problems earn the highest income.

Thanks for the motivation and reminder

Basically in my blog I ask the most difficult questions I can think of, then everyone else runs away.

It is good advice, I am just already following it and it has indicated to me that the system is broken, that hard work is not rewarded, and that the internet is an evil panopticon that rewards inane cruft and people who were born rich.

I appreciate your positive attitude and what you are trying to contribute, but after reading what you are about for months, I wonder what you are really doing if you support and hype a platform but ignore all of the serious questions about what is really going on in the world.

Hello Friends .Nice looking Your Photo .
I Like It , Good job Friends..

@jerrybanfield, what you are saying is real simple and it is very easy to ignore it, but from my experience these questions are the most important in shaping who we are and who we want to become.

My question for myself today is "How can I improve our mobile app so that people on Steemit will just love it".

hy @jerrybanfield great all post your blog..... i like all post...i hope one day same with yoe.....

hope you visit my blog...and give me upvote...thanks


Hey , @jerrybanfield

I need Your Help .

Positive mental attitude

@jerrybanfield i read your post and it makes alot of sence you are a very influential man you have great following man you can make a video like u did earlier where u didn't said a word and just dancing made more money then a post I made about my life my struggles and a lot more.
I am not jealous of you i watch ur stuff and try to learn from you and hope to get likes and follpwing like u do one day .
You are my motivation man i look upto u when it comes to #dtube and #steemit and will keep working hard and put myself my heart out there seeking success.

Helping Others Will Actually Make You Feel Great. because You'll Have Stronger Friendships. thanks for sharing it really inspired me a lot. <


More power @jerrybanfield and more power #steem 👊👊

Very nice post!

A very useful insight for us. it is true that better question for better life, because through the questions we will find the best answer to be applied in real life. It also applies to contribute to steem, we must constantly ask questions, learn, and act.

Hello my Friend . Greetings of Venezuela 🇻🇪🇻🇪.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This a great resource. I believe in giving. I am fortunate to have no concern in 'money' per se, but work with my dreams to effect a better course for myself. I find to focus on a visualization of the end result is a far better means of arriving there, than fighting and hassling over every little step. Sure we all need some money, but I discovered early that sufficient is efficient. Instead of working 'for' the money, I found far more wealth in working 'to' serve others, and there always is enough dollars, how ever much or little one has.
To prove it to an exgf, I hitch-hiked with her to another city and had a great holiday on less than $20 between us per day, - belief, face, and personal effort, not necessarily in that order 😇
--😑 confidence & self-esteem are handy attributes to develop. 💛