* When Science And Technology Are Mixed In Our Society *

in busy •  7 years ago 

science meaning: Science (from Latin scientĭa 'knowledge') is an ordered system of structured knowledge that studies, researches and interprets natural, social and artificial phenomena.
Scientific knowledge is obtained through observations and experimentation in specific areas, such knowledge must be organized and classified on the basis of explanatory principles whether theoretical or practical. From these questions and reasoning are generated, hypotheses are constructed, principles are deduced and theories, general laws and systems organized by means of a scientific method are formulated.

Technology: is the science applied to solving specific problems. It constitutes a set of scientifically ordered knowledge, which allows to design and create goods or services that facilitate the adaptation to the environment and the satisfaction of the essential needs and desires of humanity. It is a word of Greek origin, τεχνολογία, formed by téchnē (τέχνη, art, technique or trade, which can be translated as dexterity) and logía (λογία, the study of something)

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when science and technology are mixed in our society

Since several decades ago, scientific and technological advances are revolutionizing the world at breakneck speed. The margins of knowledge appear increasingly distant from the cultural parameters of the common citizen, especially among those disadvantaged peoples or sectors.

However, once the benefits of science and technology reach the hands of nations, they quickly assimilate their advantages and comforts, while nations suffer from an ever deeper dependence, as well as a broadening of the educational, technological, economic and social differences compared to the most industrialized countries in the world. We should not interpret this idea as a deification of knowledge, but on the contrary, we intend to demonstrate in its proper measure the important role of science and technology as a development factor that, together with economics and politics, could be classified as a factor of national sovereignty.

Throughout the history of mankind, man has sought to guarantee and improve his standard of living through a better knowledge of the world around him and a more effective mastery of it, that is, through a constant development of science.

Nowadays, we are convinced that one of the characteristics of the current moment is the indissoluble connection, the very close interaction and the mutual conditioning of society with science. Science is one of the essential factors of social development and is acquiring an increasingly massive character.

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When studying the effects of science in society, it is not only the effects on current society, but also the effects on the future society. In traditional societies the functions of the individual were well defined, there was a harmony between nature, society and man. However, science brought with it the disappearance of this traditional framework, the rupture of the balance between man and society and a profound change in the environment. While we should not directly blame science.

The progress of science has been very rapid in developed countries; On the other hand, in underdeveloped countries their acquisition is so slow that every day the difference between two types of countries becomes greater. This delay contributes to maintaining and even aggravating the situation of dependency of the underdeveloped countries with respect to the developed ones.

As science has become part of the productive forces to a greater extent than ever, it is considered that today it is a strategic agent of change in the plans of economic and social development.

Science has reached the point of influencing the mentality of humanity. The society of today is not captive in past or present conditions, but is oriented towards the future. Science is not simply one of the various elements that make up the productive forces, but has become a key factor for social development, which increasingly enters into the various sectors of life.

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Science tries to establish universal truths, a common knowledge on which there is a consensus and based on ideas and information whose validity is independent of individuals. There is something that I think is of great importance to highlight and is that the role of science in society is inseparable from the role of technology.

Technology not only invades all industrial activity, but also participates deeply in any type of human activity, in all fields of action. The modern man uses in his daily behavior and almost without perceiving it an immense avalanche of contributions of the Technology: the automobile, the clock, the telephone, the communications, etc.

Although there is knowledge that can not be considered technological knowledge, Technology is a certain type of knowledge that despite its origin, is used in the sense of transforming material elements-raw materials, components, etc. -or symbolic -data, information, etc.- in goods or services, modifying their nature or characteristics

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             All the images were taken from the public domain

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I would like to say that Today man have progressed through science and technology and made his life secure and comfortable.The knowledge of science allows us to develop new technologies and solve our problems.Man is totally depend on it.
Great post with nice information.

I would like to say that Today man have progressed through science and technology and made his life secure and comfortable.The knowledge of science allows us to develop new technologies and solve our problems.Man is totally depend on it.
Great post with nice information.

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